2004 updates available here.
22nd December
Things will be slowing down here over the holiday, a few of the forum
regulars have already packed their bags to go home! I'd like to wish
everybody a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you all next
15th December
Permanent link to Aaron Chan's HanConv and HanDict programs added to the Software
Links page.
Fixed some problems with the formatting
of compound words in the online dictionary (stray spaces used to appear
between come words).
New smileys have been added to the forum.
13th December
With the run up to Christmas I'm finding it difficult to spend much time
learning Chinese or updating this site. However, using the principle of
publish what I've got and let people critique it (if I didn't do this nothing
would ever get released!) here is a new
version of the Chinese Calendar project.
Oh, the Etiquette
guidleines for the foums have been updated too.
1st December
Time has been split up into two pages (Page
1 | Page 2) with lots of new examples added.
Christmas slightly updated.
27th November
Well, it is not often I get to publish about an update of such magnitude,
but if you bookmark this website now you should get a funky icon next to the
entry. Flabbergasted? Yes I know, it is just too exciting.
Oh, there is a new section too: Loanwords in
26th November
OK, work has successfully begun on our collaborative
online Chinese dictionary. Has it worked as a proof of concept? You be the
judge by taking a look at what
we have so far. Note that this dictionary database is already integrated
into the existing Character
database (which continues to be updated too).
22nd November
Do you run a website of your own? If so, this is just a polite reminder
that you would be doing all of us a favour if you would consider adding a link
to this website.
There are other ways of helping of course! 
A lot of progress has been made in a major new addition to the site
database. I'll hold off from making a complete announcement just yet, but
check back in a few days!
18th November
Are you fluent in Chinese, comfortable with typing Chinese on the web and
prepared to help add some entries to a new Chinese dictionary? Please see
here for more details.
How to write Chinese updated.
A few new Links have been added.
Coding notes updated with details of the new
Calendar script.
Another two new audio readings for Night
10th November
Two new audio readings added for the classical poem, Night
Thoughts as well as the ability to click on each character of the poem
for more information.
There are now 440 characters in our character
9th November
Some of you may have noticed that the audio and sound were missing
from the whole site. This was a hosting issue and if you think you
may be able to help please see this
New sections, Chinese Poetry, Greetings, Measure
words (Page 3)
Added a silly Humour section. Feel free to send me jokes for it!
Finally, I've posted a brief
update on my current level of Cantonese.
30th September
I am back from Hong Kong and had a good time! Sorry to those
that wanted to meet up but couldn't due to my bad organisation. I
did meet one regular here and much fun was had in Tai Wai ordering dishes
and drinking cheap beer!
Updates here should hopefully increase for two reasons: 1) I have loads of
cool books from Hong Kong to learn from and 2) The Cantonese class I go to
has started their Autumn term so I am back in full "learning"
A New page to the compound word section has been added.
More additions to the character database in
anticipation of new sections I am working on.
12th September
Things haven't been going well lately, life has been very
stressful... I haven't used my computer for a few weeks so apologies
to anybody who has contacted me via the forums or e-mail.
I thought about cancelling my trip to Hong Kong but have decided to
go. This means that I will be hoping to meet some of you for a drink
in Mong Gok next week. To help arrange this please visit this
post and make suggestions!
11 th August
No major updates for a while I'm afraid. My classes have ended for
the summer and I have been on holiday.
I will be visiting Hong Kong soon though which should provide plenty of
new material for the site!
The forums have New
Also, I am using a small amount of art with
permission from Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's Shadowscapes.com,
I think it suits the site perfectly!
14th July
New section, Holidays - with a bit less
vocabulary and a few more example sentences.
Frequently Asked Questions updated and split into two sections.
I realised I wasn't linking to the Dim Sum Menu so
not many people knew about it!
Extra sections started, Cooking 3 and 4 and Numbers
Update to Places.
More characters added to the database.
New smileys added to
the forums - are you a graphic artist? Do you fancy making some Cantonese
smileys? Please see
this post.
7th July
A "Character of the Day" has been tentatively added to the
front page. There were technical problems with this last time so
cross your fingers that it continues to work!
I've also posted a "Thank
You" message.
19th June
I have added two affiliate links. The first is to some rather
flashy Electronic
Cantonese Speaking Dictionaries. The second is to a new Cantonese
themed online shop that sells childrens books, audio CDs, DVDs
etc. If you choose to make a purchase from either link then you will
be helping this site by earning us
More characters added to the database.
Minor updates to various other sections.
1st June
Sound files added for Adjectives (1), Parts
of the Body, Health and Motoring
- all courtesy of my father.
Updated "How to write Chinese
characters" with a clarification rule for boxes within characters
(as per this
26th May
I have updated the How You Can Help This
Site page with a PayPal donation button. I'm not really
expecting any donations (the various affiliate schemes I have signed up
for have been dismal failures) but at least the option is there.
New section: Common Cantonese Insults.
(I need help with the tones of some of the words there).
Page 1 of the new Dim Sum section is almost
25th May
New section: Numerical classifiers Page 1
and Page 2.
Animals(2) updated with a note about the
classifier word for animals.
Jyutping pronunciation essay updated
with examples of word endings.
First page of the new Dim Sum section is now
almost ready. There is a link on the page if you would like to help me
finish it.
24th May
Some index pages have been updated, for example, How
to view Chinese Characters on your PC was not very easy to find.
Added lots of new characters to the database
- there are now over 400 in total.
19th May
Printable tests now have various options to allow you
to customise them.
Link to Interviews and Experiences
18th May
More characters have been added to the database.
Printable tests now have answers.
17th May
Three new reviews have been added courtesy
of Helmut. The reviews section has
been revamped as well to allow people to post comments about them.
14th May
New random tests designed to be printed
Added "Programming Notes" section - warning, this is a boring page! ;)
7th May
More Characters have been added to the
New section: Driving.
8th April
A discussion of the worrying SARS virus is active
on the forums.
The online database has been updated and you can now see the latest
additions in the Master Character List page.
New characters mean I have cleared off a lot of the High
Scores for the Online Quiz!
I realised I wasn't linking to "How
to write in Chinese" from this page, this has now been remedied.
4th April
I am still playing with the new flashcards -
you can now show the stroke number and difficulty level if you want.
The forums have also been upgraded. More
3rd April
A new interview has been added with Michael
More characters have been added to our online database. This
updates the Flashcards, Online
Quiz and 50 character test.
1st April
No amusing April Fool's joke I'm afraid - sorry about that!
Instead, there is a Massive Change to the Flashcards.
Chinese Fonts have been split into their own section.
30th March
I must admit I've been a bit disillusioned with learning Cantonese
this year. Partly this is because I seem to have very little free
time to study it and as a result I haven't been enjoying learning
much. The main reason though is that I haven't practised much with
anyone which is a real disappointment. Read
more of this message...
9th March
A whole month without an update. This is very bad as I haven't had
time to even do much revision for myself, let alone update this site .
Don't worry though, the site will continue to be updated, in fact I
have quite a few new sections almost ready to publish.
In the meantime, there is a new
interview in the Learning Experiences section.
Finally, there is ongoing reorganisation of the whole site which might
mean there are temporary problems with the images and audio files. Please bear with me for the next few days!
9th February
A record 675 people a day visited during January and over 162,000
pages were viewed.
Whilst this is great news in terms of the site's popularity I am growing
increasingly worried with bandwidth costs. If anybody knows any
organisations that would be prepared to sponsor me please get
in touch.
New section: Learning Experiences.
Various pages (such as this one) have been optimised and should now
load even quicker than before.
1st February
I'd like to wish everyone a peaceful and successful New Year. 恭喜發財!
29th January
Wow, this site is now ranked #1 on a Google search for
"cantonese". Search engines can be fickle entities of
course but for the moment I am quite chuffed!
in the forums...
26th January
Updated Tones Essay with some audio
25th January
Added "coi3"
(vegetables) to Characters
& Compound Words.
Start of a new section, Useful Cantonese Phrases.
Kung Fu updated.
23rd January
Sound MP3s added for Time and Common
Tone Mistakes.
20th January
New section: Common tone mistakes.
6th January
I have picked another affiliate partner so if you would like to
support this non-profit website and buy some art-prints at the same time
please visit the new Poster Gallery.
5th January
The 50 character test now lets you
choose from 4 levels of difficulty. As I am nice I've even added
Mandarin pinyin as an option .
4th January 2003
New section, Chinese Zodiac.
Health and Body
New characters added to the online quiz.
2002 Updates available here.
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