What's New?
23rd August
Well time has flown and lots has happened with my life.
I am now a
proud father and as such site updates have been impacted I'm afraid!
CantoDict is still going strong though and I hope to find time for some useful updates soon.
On a less positive note, we are currently undergoing a spam attack, so please bear with us while we
try and deal with this.
Last 10 posts in our forums:
Re: Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill Passed 11:32 by ♭♫
[+-]This hate incident happened on BART. The white guy's accent sounds like he is not from our region. He also looked kind of fragile and his stance looks weak as if
he doesn't look like he can really fight. I would have called his bluff and accepted his challenge and show him my house of flying daggers.
ZheHan Zhang - 某君 10:50 by ♭♫
Re: All Aboard The Eastbound Train 07:59 by ♭♫
At the train museum in the center of town, Doug Pickard detailed the history of the massive amount of labor that was used to build the loop. Pickard, the museum director, said about 3,000 Chinese immigrant laborers worked over two years using only picks, shovels, horse-drawn carts and blasting power.
Re: A Glimpse of Edmonton Chinatown 05:44 by ♭♫
[+-]If local socialist governments do not relocate the homeless problem away from Chinatowns by moving social supportive rehabilitative services as far as possible away from Chinatown then mom and pop investments will not come to Chinatown thus the local governments will have missed an opportunity to grow a new symbiotic and prosperous tax base. Don't be fooled that social service organizations are actually there to help homeless people. These organizations are also businesses disguised as non-profit organizations who are carving up Chinatown for their own survival at Chinatown's expense.
The Chinatown area north of Edmonton’s downtown core has struggled for decades with crime and social disorder — including vandalism, open-drug use, aggressive behaviour and panhandling.
Amid the businesses and restaurants, there are several social agencies concentrated in the area and in recent years, many tent cities have also cropped up on the streets and open spaces.
Re: CHINESE IDENTITY 01/16/2025 by ♭♫
[+-]My former Christian school puts out a quarterly or annual magazine (I forget) and in one of the articles before COVID, one of the religious figures went on sebatical to study Buddhism and in his discovery report he compared Christianity vs Buddhism by concluding that Christianity is superior to Buddhism because God exists in Christianity but not in Buddhism...(Sort of like preaching to the choir but misrepresenting (which is a sin) his opinion as scholarly findings). In a nutshell, God is your master in Christianity where as in Buddhism you yourself are your own master and who doesn't want to be their own master? Christians...so more power to you!
The Dali Lama addresses this issue:
" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">youtube.com]
The problem with Lee Kuan Yew's over arching vision in this video is that it mis-appropriates Mandarin as the mother tongue of all overseas ethnic-Chinese; however, other than that...his message resonates loudly with me. As a bicultural Asian, the demon I had to slay in my early youth in order to mitigate identity erasure began with discovering Enlightenment via self-initiated de-Christianization of myself while attending a private Christian school...and because of that...my personal happiness had flowered into a mist of a thousand flowers and people to this day have become so addicted to my infectious attitude that they feed off the radiation of my positive karmic qi. The most unhappiest manic-depressive people I have ever met are Christians and the most angriest nearly having a stroke people I have ever met are Muslims...and when manic-depression rendezvous with anger then those were the Catholic Irish kids I went to school with...and it seemed like they had chosen to drown inside this unforgiving rabbit hole of shame and guilt because politically, it defined their identity in the face of liberating spiritual alternatives.
Don't Let The West ERASE Your Asian Identity | Lee Kuan Yew
Re: The rise and fall of Chinatown: The hidden history of displacement you were never told 01/16/2025 by ♭♫
[+-]The greatest threat to all communities are companies like BlackRock & Blackstone hoarding housing stock. A law should be passed to ban companies like BlackRock and BlackStone from investing in California housing stock.
Can Community Land Trusts Revitalize a Declining Chinatown?
Re: Chinatowns Ain't Nothing But Ghettos 01/16/2025 by ♭♫
Top Chinatown Destinations For Hong Kong Travellers To Celebrate The Year Of The Snake
Research says nearly a third of Hong Kong residents want to explore global Chinatowns this Chinese New Year – here are the top destinations.
Re: Chefs On The Forefront of Modernising Cantonese Cuisine 01/16/2025 by ♭♫
The global popularity of these ingredient-obsessed New American restaurants has perhaps paved the way for other cooking styles that emphasize the same ideas. And the subtlety of Cantonese flavors gives them broad appeal. “Cantonese cuisine can really mesh with ingredients and techniques across different cuisines,” says the chef Kenny Leung, 55, of YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine in downtown Manhattan.
Re: Lion Dance 01/16/2025 by ♭♫
Re: This is how WuXia Movies are Made 01/16/2025 by ♭♫