Last updated July 7, 2009
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teacher 老師 lou5 si1 lecturer 講師 gong2 si1
master 師父 si1 fu6 student 學生  hok saang
trainee 學徒 hok6 to trainee 徒弟  to dai
engineer 工程師 gung1 cing si1 electrical engineer 電學工程師 din lou gung1 cing si
mechanical engineer 機械工程師 gei haai6 gung cing si1 chemical engineer 化學工程師 fa hok6 gung1 cing si1
chemist 化學家 faa3 hok6 ga1 electrician 電工 din6 gung1
carpenter 木工 muk6 gung1 designer 設計師 cit3 gai si1
lawyer 律師 leot6 si1 accountant 會計師 wui gai si1


Usage Note

Fans of kung-fu (工夫) films will recognise 師父 as the honorific for a respected teacher.  It is also used as a term for a chauffeur and can be used for any other teacher who is regarded as an expert.

Character Analysis

老 = old    工 = work   學 = learn   生 = birth
化 = change, transform

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