Last updated July 7, 2009
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點心 Dim Sum (1) 點心

 To help complete this page please post in the forum here. There is also a different menu that contains English and Chinese (PDF document).  Thanks to Marcus for sending this in.

Dim Sum Menu Dim Sum 點心 dim2 sam1
Steamed Dishes 蒸點 zing1 dim2
prawn dumplings 晶瑩鮮蝦餃 zing1 ying4 sin1 haa1 gaau2
crab dumpling? 蟹皇燒賣 haai5 wong4 siu1 maai2
shrimp and chive dumplings 鮮蝦韭菜餃 haa1 gau2 coi6 gaau2
pork dumpling with waterchestnuts 潮式蒸粉果 ciu4 sik1 zing1 fan2 gwo2
crabmeat and sharkfin dumpling 蟹肉魚翅餃 haai5 juk6 jyu4 ci3 gaau2
vegetable spring rolls with oyster sauce 蠔油鮮竹卷 hou4 jau4 sin1 zuk1 gyun2
beef balls 西菜牛肉球 sai1 coi3  ngau4 juk6 kau4
steamed chicken claws in black bean sauce 豉汁蒸鳳爪 si6 zap1 zing1 fung6 zaau2
spare ribs in black bean sauce 豉汁蒸排骨 si6 zap1 zing1 paai4 gwat1
curried whelks 咖喱東風螺 gaa3 lei1 dung1 fung1 lo2
satay steamed tripe 沙嗲蒸牛肚 saa1 de zing1 ngau4 tou5
Shanghai steamed dumplings 上海小籠包 soeng5 hoi2 siu2 lung4 baau1
glutinous rice rolls  家鄉糯米卷 ga1 hoeng1 no4 mai5 gyun2
? 香菇四寶扎 hoeng1 gu1 sei3 bou2 zaat3
steamed tripe  with spring onions & green peppers 蔥椒牛柏葉 cung1 ziu1 ngau4 baak3 jip6
cha siu buns with oyster sauce? 蠔油叉燒包 hou4 jau4 caa1 siu1 baau1
steamed chicken and mushroom buns? 香菇雞包仔 hoeng1 gu1 gai1 baau1 zai2
cream buns 香滑奶皇包 hoeng1 waat6 naai5 wong4 baau1
Malay steamed sponge cake 吉士馬拉糕 gat1 si6 ma5 lai1 gou1
lotus-leaf chicken pearls 荷葉珍珠雞 ho4 yip6 zan1 zyu1 gai1
fish egg, pork skin turnip dish ? 魚蛋豬皮蘿蔔盅 jyu4 daan2 zyu1 pei4 lo4 baak6 zung1
pork dumpling soup 上湯鮮水餃 soeng5 tong1 sin1 seoi2 gaau2
spicy-sauce boiled pork dumpling 辣汁水餃 laat6 zap1 soei2 gaau2


Character Analysis

潮式 = Teochew-style  菜 = vegetables 籠 = bamboo steamer 包 = buns   沙嗲 = satay  上海 = Shanghai
蠔油 = oyster sauce 鮮 = fresh 竹 = bamboo 卷 = rolls
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