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  hou2 hou3   jyutping
  hao3 hao4   pinyin
[] hou2 | [] hao3
[1] [adj] good; fine; nice | [ant]
[2] [adv] very; quite; fairly | [syn]
[3] [adj] good to (do); pleasing (to one's senses)
[4] [adj] friendly; kind; amicable
[5] [adj] healthy; in good shape/condition
[6] [adj] ready; done; finished
[7] [interjection] well; all right; okay

[] hou3 | [] hao4
[1] [v] like; love; be fond of
[2] [v] be liable to; be likely to

Default PoS: adjective Additional PoS: verbadverb
Stroke count: 6
Level: 1
Radical: (#38)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 56150 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 22nd Jun 2013 03:00

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detail  hou2 siu3  hao3 xiao4 = be funny
detail  hou2 aa3   = OK, fine
detail  nei5 hou2  ni3 hao3 = hello; hi; how are you; greetings
detail  hou2 do1  hao3 duo1 = a lot; much; many
detail  hou2 hou2  hao3 hao3; hao3 hao1 = very good; very well
detail  mei5 hou2  mei3 hao3 = OK; fine; beautiful
detail  do1 hou2  duo1 hao3 = very good
detail  hou2 jan4  hao3 ren2 = good person
detail  nei5 hou2 maa3  ni3 hao3 ma5 = How are you?
detail  hou2 jat6*2  hao3 ri4 = auspicious day; wedding day; good days
detail  hou2 m4 hou2   = is it good or not ; is it all right
detail  hou2 maa3  hao3 ma5 = is it good or not ; is it all right
detail  hou2 siu2   = seldom; rarely
detail  hou2 jau5  hao3 you3 = a sidekick; a good friend
detail  hou2 hek3  hao3 chi1 = delicious; tasty
detail  hou2 sik6   = delicious; tasty
detail  hou2 mei6   = delicious; good to eat
detail  hou2 haai4 zi2  hao3 hai2 zi5 = good child
detail  hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3   = long time no see
detail  oi3 hou3  ai4 hao4 = a hobby; to be fond of
detail  hou2 ci5  hao3 si4 = be like; be very similar
detail  maan5 soeng6 hou2   = 'good evening' (greeting)
detail  m4 hou2   = [1] no good [2] don't
detail  hou2 je5   = [1] good thing [2] (expression of delight)
detail  hou2 coi2   = luckily; fortunately; good fortune
detail  zeoi3 hou2  zui4 hao3 = best
detail  hou2 zoi6  hao3 zai4 = luckily; fortunately
detail  zou6 hou2   = to finish; to complete
detail  hou2 gui6   = very tired, exhausted
detail  man6 hou2  wen4 hao3 = to extend greetings; to ask after someone; to send one's regards
detail  hou2 gei2  hao3 ji3 = several, quite a few
detail  hou2 sam1  hao3 xin1 = please...
detail  hou2 gam2  hao3 gan3 = good opinion, favorable impression
detail  hou2 pang4 jau5  hao3 peng2 you5 = a good friend
detail  hou2 teng1  hao3 ting1 = pleasant to hear
detail  hou2 zyun2  hao3 zhuan3 = make a turn for the better, improve
detail  hou2 wan6  hao3 yun4 = good luck
detail  giu3 hou2  jiao4 hao3 = applaud, cheer
detail  dou1 hou2   = all good
detail  gang3 hou2  geng4 hao3 = even better
detail  hou3 hok6   = curiousness
detail  hou2 si6   = good deed; good turn
detail  hou2 tin1   = fine day, lovely weather
detail  hou2 zoeng6  hao3 xiang4 = [v] as if; seem like
detail  hou2 gwo3  hao3 guo4 = to have an easy time; to feel well; life is easy
detail  hou2 tai2  hao3 di4 = good-looking
detail  hou2 zoeng6  hao3 xiang4 = be like; seem like
detail  hou2 dei6 dei6  hao3 de5 de5 = in perfect condition
detail  hou2 hon3  hao3 kan4 = good-looking
detail  nei5 hou2  nin3 hao3 = hello, greetings (formal)
detail  hou2 dik1  hao3 de5 = Fine, OK (as an isolated utterance)
detail  hou2 bat1 hou2  hao3 bu5 hao3 (PRC), hao3 bu4 hao3 (Taiwan) = is it OK ; is it all right
detail  hou2 gau2 bat1 gin3  hao3 jiu3 bu4*2 jian4 = long time no see
detail  hou2 gwai3   = very expensive
detail  hou2 mou5*2   = is it good or not ; is it all right
detail  hou2 dai2   = very cheap; very low-priced
detail  hou2 ho2 nang4   = probably
detail  hou2 coi2 sou3   = good luck
detail  hou2 noi6 m4 gin3   = long time no see
detail  m4 hou2 cou4   = shut up
detail  daai6 gaa1 hou2  da4 jia1 hao3 = hello everyone
detail  gaau3 hou2  jiao4 hao3 = comparatively good; better
detail  zung6 hou2  zhong4 hao3 = it would be even better [also 重好]
detail  cin1 kei4 m4 hou2   = don't ever
detail  hang6 hou2  xing4 hao3 = luckily
detail  m4 hou2 ji3 si1/3  m2 hao3 yi4 si5 = excuse me; sorry
detail  bat1 hou2 ji3 si1/3  bu4 hao3 yi4 si5 = excuse me; sorry, to feel embarrassed
detail  pik1 hou3  pi3 hao4 = special liking; favourite hobby
detail  joek3 hou2  yue1 hao3 = to arrange or agree to
detail  hou2 gui6   = variant of 好攰
detail  mou5 nei5 gam3 hou2 hei3   = to not bother with you anymore
detail  zaang1 hou2 jyun5   = extremely different
detail  m4 hai6 hou2   = not very
detail  jiu3 hou2  yao4 hao3 = to be on good terms
detail  hou2 cyu3  hao3 chu5 = advantage
detail  hou2 naan4 gong2   = hard to say; there's no telling
detail  jau5 hou2  you3 hao3 = friendly (relations)
detail  zi2 hou2  zhi3 hao3 = to have to; to be forced to
detail  zing3 hou2  zheng4 hao3 = just (in time, right, enough); just (happen to); by chance; just so happened
detail  m4 hou2 juk1   = don't move
detail ,  zoi6 gaa1 cin1 jat6 hou2 ceot1 ngoi6 jat1 si4 naan4  zai4 jia1 qian1 ri4 hao3 chu1 wai4 yi4 shi2 nan2 = A thousand days at home pass smoothly, a day away is beset with problems
detail  hap1 dou3 hou2 cyu3  qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 = just right
detail  hap1 hou2  qia4 hao3 = as it turns out; by lucky coincidence
detail  hou3 kei4  hao4 qi2 = curious, inquisitive
detail  hou2 jung4 ji6  hao3 rong2 yi4 = with great difficulty (lit., "very easy")
detail  hou2 se1  hao3 xie1 = a good deal of, quite a lot
detail  loeng4 hou2  liang2 hao3 = good, favorable, well, fine
detail  si3 hou3  shi4 hao4 = fondness, hobby, indulgence
detail  bat1 hou2  bu4 hao3 = no good
detail  hou3 haak3   = keep open doors; keep open house
detail  hou2 koeng4; hou3 koeng4   = 好2: very strong; 好3: eager to do well in everything
detail  hou3 wu3; hou2 ok3  hao4 wu4 = likes and dislikes; fierce
detail  hou2 ji3  hao3 yi4 = favour; good intention; kindness
detail  hou2 waa6   = fine words; word of praise
detail  soeng1 cyu2 dak1 hou2   = relate
detail  tou2 hou2  tao3 hao3 = blandish; fawn on; have one's work rewarded; please
detail  gaau2 hou2  hao3 hao3 = do well; make a good job of
detail 使  hou3 sai2   = be convenient to use; work well
detail  hou2 waan4*2  hao3 wan2 = amusing; fun; interesting
detail  hou2 do1 si4   = many times
detail  hou2 do1 ci3   = many times
detail  hou2 tau4 jap6   = be absorbed in
detail  hou2 gaa1 fo2   = good god; good heavens; good gracious
detail ,  m4 zou6 zung1, m4 zou6 bou2, m4 zou6 mui4 jan4*2 saam1 doi6 hou2   = do not be a middleman, guarantor or matchmaker then you will have a good future
detail  hou2 sam1 jau5 hou2 bou3   = your charity would be rewarded
detail  hou2 siu2 siu2   = little better than
detail  hou2 dak1 do1   = much better; better by far
detail  hou2 joeng6*2   = pretty face
detail  hou2 gei1 wui4   = a good many times.
detail  gei2 hou2   = okay; pretty good
detail  hou2 sei2   = to die a natural death; longwinded, wordy
detail  hou2 cau2   = very ugly, disgraceful
detail  hou2 maai6   = outsell
detail  hou2 hei3 zoi6 hau6 tau4  hao3 xi4 zai4 hou4 tou5 = it isn't over until fat lady sings (lit., "the good show comes later in time")
detail  hou2 faan1   = heal; to become reconciled
detail  hou2 hou2 dik1   = ...well + (adv)
detail  daa2 hou2   = found
detail  hou2 soeng1 jyu5   = amiable
detail  hou2 tin1 hei3   = nice day, fair weather
detail  hou2 hou2 dei6*2   = nothing wrong; nothing the matter
detail  hou2 noi6   = a very long time
detail  waan4 syun3 hou2   = fairly good, could be worse
detail  hou2 cou4   = very noisy
detail  hou2 zeng3   = very delicious; really good; really nice; fabulous; fantastic
detail  ji1 hou2   = to have completely recovered from an illness; get cured
detail  zing2 hou2  zheng3 hao3 = to repair (properly), put in good shape
detail  gok3 jau5 gok3 hou2   = each has its own advantages or good points
detail  fei1 hou2   = to have hair cut (to one's satisfaction)
detail  fei1 hou2 faat3   = to have hair cut (to one's satisfaction)
detail  hou2 zing1 san4  hao3 jing1 shen2 = full of vitality, in good spirits
detail  gaa2 hou2 sam1  jia3 hao3 xin1 = hypocrisy
detail  hou2 faai3 gam2 gong2   = to speak quickly
detail  hou2 maan6 gam2 duk6   = to study slowly
detail  hou2 ci5 syut3 gam3 dung3   = as cold as snow
detail  m4 hou2 haak3 hei3 aa3   = "make yourself at home"
detail  jan4 jyun4 hou2 hou2   = popular (referring to people)
detail  sau1 zing2 hou2   = to repair (properly)
detail  dou1 hou2 laa1   = "it will be fine"
detail  bat1 waai4 hou2 ji3  bu4 huai2 hao3 yi4 = harbor evil designs; harbor malicious intentions
detail  bat1 hou2 je5  bu4 hao3 re3 = not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
detail  bat1 zi1 hou2 daai2  bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3 = not know what's good for one
detail  bou2 cyun4 loeng4 hou2 dik1  bao3 cun2 liang2 hao3 de5 = well-preserved
detail  sam1 ngaan5 hou2  xin1 yan3 hao3 = well-intentioned; good-natured; kind-hearted
detail  oi3 hou3 ze2  ai4 hao3 zhe3 = amateur; enthusiast; fan; lover (of art, sports, etc)
detail  zou2 soeng6 hou2  zao3 shang5 hao3 = good morning
detail  waan4 ging2 jau5 hou2  huan2 jing4 you3 hao3 = environment-friendly
detail  on1 hou2  an1 hao3 = safe and sound; well
detail  gwaa3 hou2  gua4 hao3 = to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)
detail  jau5 hou3 kei4 sam1  you3 hao4 qi2 xin1 = curious
detail  han2 hou2  hen3 hao3 = well
detail  jyun4 hou2  wan2 hao3 = intact; in good condition
detail  hou2 syut3  hao3 shuo1 = (idiom) OK, term used to indicate agreement; (idiom) "you flatter me", polite response to praise
detail  hou2 wun6 ji4  hao3 wanr2 = (adj) interesting; delightful
detail  hou2 bei2  hao3 bi3 = be just like; can be compared to
detail  hou2 joeng6*2 dik1  hao3 yang4 de5 = (idiom) a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity or courage
detail  hou3 zin3  hao3 zhan4 = warlike
detail  hou2 gei2 nin4  hao3 ji3 nian2 = several years
detail  hou2 hou2 ji4  hao3 haor1 = properly; thoroughly; well (also 好好兒地)
detail  hou3 kei4 sam1  hao4 qi2 xin1 = curiosity
detail  hou2 waai6  hao3 huai4 = [n] good and bad; advantageous and disadvantageous
detail  hou2 bun3 tin1  hao3 ban4 tian1 = most of the day
detail  hou2 gau2  hao3 jiu3 = quite a while; [粵] 好耐
detail  taai3 hou2 liu5  tai4 hao3 le5 = very good
detail  co5 hou2  zuo4 hao3 = to sit properly; to sit up straight
detail  wo4 hou2  he2 hao3 = to become reconciled
detail  hou3 sik1  hao3 se4 = lewd, lustful, horny, to lust for women
detail  maai5 hou2  mai3 hao3 = to ingratiate oneself
detail  waan4 hou2  hai2 hao3 = [adv] not bad
detail  ngaam1 ngaam1 hou2   = just right
detail  gong1 hou2  gang1 hao3 = just, exactly, happen to be
detail  hou2 siu1 sik1   = good news
detail  taam1 bui1 hou3 zau2   = to be or become an alcoholic
detail  taam1 hou2 teng1   = [v] to talk plausibly; render mere lip service
detail  hou3 dau3  hao4 dou4 = be warlike
detail  jau5 hou2 fong2 man6  you3 hao3 fang3 wen4 = a friendly visit
detail  jyut6 zou2 jyut6 hou2   = [exp] the earlier the better
detail  bat1 dak1 hou2 sei2   = die in one's shoes
detail  syun3 hou2  suan4 hao3 = [v] to calculate; [adj] calculating
detail  hou2 jat1 go3  hao3 yi1 ge4 = what a
detail  hou2 sau6  hao3 shou4 = feel better; feel more comfortable
detail  hou3 daai6 hei2 gung1  hao4 da4 xi3 gong1 = crave for greatness and success; have a fondness for the grandiose
detail  hou2 hou2 sin1 saang1  hao3 hao3 xian1 sheng5 = good joe
detail  hou2 gaa1 fo2  hao3 jia1 huo3 = [interj.] good god; good lord; good heavens
detail  hou2 sau2  hao3 shou3 = good hand; past master
detail  hou2 jat6*2 zi2  hao3 ri4 zi5 = auspicious day; wedding day; good days
detail  hou3 wai4 jan4 si1  hao4 wei2 ren2 shi1 = like to be a master to others
detail  gin3 hou2  jian4 hao3 = (said of a patient) to get better; mend
detail  hon3 hou2  kan4 hao3 = looking good; promising
detail  maai6 hou2  mai4 hao3 = curry favour with; ingratiate oneself with; play up to
detail  lau4 faan1 daam6 hei3 nyun5 haa5 tou5 hou2 gwo3   = to not bother with you anymore
detail  jaa5 hou2  ye3 hao3 = it may not be a bad idea; may as well; whether...or...; no matter whether
detail  hok6 hou2  xue2 hao3 = learn from good examples; emulate good
detail  jin4 gwai1 jyu1 hou2  yan2 gui1 yu2 hao3 = make it up with sb; become reconciled
detail  hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 tong4 ci1 dau6*2   = when in good relation, (the two are like) beans stuck together by molasses
detail  m4 hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 seoi2 kau1 jau4   = when not in good relation, (the two are like) oil poured into water
detail  dim2 dou1 hou2   = anyway; no matter what
detail  hou2 sik6 hou2 zyu6   = have good food and a comfortable place to live
detail  baak3 nin4 hou2 hap6   = eternal harmony
detail  baan6 hou2 jan4   = fake friendship (dress up as a good person, also 裝好人)
detail  hou2 jan4 jau5 haan6   = not exactly a model citizen
detail  bat1 zi1 hou2 siu3 waan4 si6 hou2 nou6   = find sth both funny and annoying; unable to laugh or cry at sth
detail ?  dim2 syun3 hou2 ne1   = What can I/we do?
detail  nau1 hou2 ding6 siu3 hou2   = don’t know what to do (to cry or to laugh)
detail  mou5 mat1 hou2 sei2   = have not died a natural death
detail  hou2 gaai3 siu6  hao2 jie4 shao4 = recommendation
detail  goek3 tau4 hou2   = a person who is a walking good luck charm
detail  mou5 gam3 hou2 hei3   = to quit being involved with sth (lit., "no so good air")
detail  hou2 waa6 m4 hou2 teng1   = to be frank (lit., "the right words aren't easy to listen to")
detail  m4 dou2 m4 zi1 si4 wan6 gou1, m4 piu4 m4 zi1 san1 tai2 hou2   = do not gamble then you don't know how lucky you are, do not go whorring then you don't know your heath is good
detail  hou2 dak1   = great, good looking, attractive
detail  hou2 geng2   = having a good temper; good temper
detail  hou2 guk6   = feeling hot, stuffy, suffocated
detail  hou2 gwai2   = very, extremely
detail  hou2 gwai2 sei2   = very, extremely
detail  hou3 haan4   = used to indicate that sth is no problem, not to worry; never take things too seriously
detail  hou2 jan4 si6*2   = well-meaning
detail  hou2 si5   = business is good
detail  hou2 siu2 ho4*2   = not very often, infrequent
detail  hou3 sik6 laan5 fei1   = lazy
detail ,  jat6 tau4*2 m4 hou2 gong2 jan4, je6 maan5 m4 hou2 gong2 gwai2   = speak of the devil
detail  mou4 leon6 dim2 dou1 hou2   = no matter what
detail  deoi3 min6 ceon1 gwong1 mou4 haan6 hou2   = the view on the opposite side is very beautiful (girls)
detail  deoi3 min6 fung1 gwong1 mou4 haan6 hou2   = the view on the opposite side is very beautiful
detail  ding2 hou2  ding3 hao3 = excellent, the best, the first ; Wellcome
detail  hou2 sok3   = very hot or sexy (girl), [國] 辣妹
detail  hou2 sok3   = very hot or sexy (girl); [國] 辣妹
detail  hou2 gwo3 mou5   = better than nothing
detail  hou2 jam2   = good to drink; tasty
detail  jan4 mou4 cin1 jat6 hou2, faa1 mou4 baak3 jat6 hung4   = treasure what you have, since it cannot be good forever
detail  hou2 seng1 hou2 hei3   = kind, gentle
detail  hou2 gwat1 zi2   = small but looks good
detail  hou3 sing3  hao4 sheng4 = seek to do others down; eager to win, aggressive
detail  hou3 man6  hao3 wen4 = inquisitiveness
detail  hou3 joeng5  hao4 yang3 = aerobic
detail  gap1 gung1 hou3 ji6  ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4 = zealous for the common well; public-spirited; zealous for public interests
detail  hou3 jat6 wu3 lou4  hao4 yi2 wu4 lao2 = love leisure and hate work; indolent
detail  hou3 zing2 ji5 haa6  hao4 zheng3 yi3 xia2 = remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs
detail  jau4 sau2 hou3 haan4   = have nothing to do or don't want to work, just wondering around
detail  jau4 sau2 hou3 haan4  you2 shou3 hao4 xian2 = idle; have nothing to do or don't want to work, just wandering around
detail  m4 zi1 hou2 nau1 ding6 hou2 siu3   = find sth both funny and annoying
detail  hou2 coeng3 hau2  hao3 chang4 kou3 = talk in high spirits
detail  lei6 hou2   = advantageous
detail  jyu6 zou2 jyu6 hou2   = the earlier the better
detail  hou3 hek3 laan5 zou6  hao4 chi1 lan3 zuo4 = lazy (sits around eating too much doing nothing)
detail  hou2 sam1 gei1   = indefatigable; having patience; careful, attentive, wholly absorbed
detail  hou2 seng1   = careful, caution
detail  zyu6 hou2 di1   = Goods of Desire (G.O.D.)
detail  hou2 wong4 hou2 bou6 lik6   = describes sth that is cool and interesting (lit., "very pornographic, very violent")
detail  m4 hai6 gei2 hou2   = nothing much; not very special
detail  hou2 si6 do1 mo4  hao3 shi4 duo1 mo2 = there are many setbacks before success
detail  hou2 hei3   = wordy, longwinded
detail  gaau2 bat1 hou2  gao3 bu hao3 = perhaps; maybe
detail  ngaam1 hou2   = just now
detail  hou2 faan1   = heal; to become reconciled
detail  wo4 hou2 jyu4 co1  he2 hao3 ru2 chu1 = to get back together; become reconciled
detail  faa1 hou2 jyut6 jyun4  hua1 hao3 yue4 yuan2 = blooming flowers and full moon, a metaphor for perfect conjugal bliss
detail MAN  hou2 MAN1   = very manly, macho
detail  hou2 lam1   = to like (someone) very much; very sweet; very romantic
detail  hou2 sok3   = very hot or sexy (girl); [國] 辣妹
detail  nei5 hou2 je5   = an expression of mockery and warning
detail  cung4 sau1 gau6 hou2  chong2 xiu1 jiu4 hao3 = to get back together
detail  hou2 jan4 hou2 ze2   = in normal condition
detail  m4 hou2 co3 gwo3   = don't miss it! don't miss this chance!
detail  hou2 sik1   = to understand well
detail  hou2 lek1   = "cool" (i.e., characterized by great facility; highly skilled or clever)
detail  sau1 hou2  xiu1 hao3 = to repair (properly)
detail ──  nin4 saam1 sap6 maan5 ze6 zou3 hou2 zou6 m4 zou6   = did not do what one should have done
detail  ngaap3/jaap3 hou2 gin6 saam1   = to tuck the shirt inside the trousers
detail Yeah  hou2 je1   = outlandish, hip; funky, standing out
detail  lok6 dei6 haam3 saam3 seng1 hou2 cau2 ming4 sang1 sing4   = one's life is fated and pre-destined
detail  zyut6 sai3 hou2 kiu4*2  jue2 shi4 hao3 qiao2 = a great idea; a superb plan
detail  hei2 hou3  xi3 hao4 = be fond of; like; be keen on
detail  hou3 dung6  hao4 dong4 = hyperactive, restless, energetic
detail  hou2 ging6   = superb; amazing; out standing; really good;
detail  hou2 jan4 jau5 hou2 bou3  hao3 ren2 you3 hao3 bao4 = one good turn deserves another
detail  saang1 gau6 caa1 siu1 hou2 gwo3 saang1 nei5  sheng1 huo4 cha1 shao1 hao3 guo4 sheng1 ni3 = I wish I never gave birth to you; it would be better to have given birth to a cha siu than to give birth to you
detail  hou2 ging2 bat1 coeng4  hao3 jing3 bu4 chang2 = good times don't last long
detail  hou2 maa5 bat1 hek3 wui4 tau4 cou2   = to never go back (relationship, jobs etc.)
detail  hou2 ngap1 m4 ngap1   = didn't say something good (but say something bad)
detail  baa1 git3 jau5 cin4*2 jan4 hou2 gwo3 baai3 leng4 pou4 saat3  ba1 jie5 you3 qian2 ren2 hao3 guo4 bai4 ling2 pu2 sa4 = it is worthwhile to rub shoulders with the wealthy
detail  hou2 zaai1  hao3 zhai1 = very plain
detail  hou2 faan1   = heal; to become reconciled
detail  hou2 si6 gan6  hao3 shi4 jin4 = of a wedding to be near
detail  giu3 hou2 bat1 giu3 zo6  jiao4 hao3 bu4 jiao4 zuo4 = good on paper, but not a blockbuster
detail  giu3 hou2 giu3 zo6  jiao4 hao3 jiao4 zuo4 = a blockbuster
detail  hou3 sik1 zi1 tou4  hao4 se4 zhi1 tu2 = a pervert; a sex maniac
detail  hou2 hon3  hao3 han4 = hero; strong and courageous person
detail  ting2 hou2  ting3 hao3 = quite good
detail  hou2 zi6 wai4 zi1  hao3 zi4 wei2 zhi1 = look out for oneself
detail  zi3 hou2  zhi4 hao3 = best friends
detail  hou2 paang5  hao3 bang4 = excellent!
detail  hou2 ping4  hao3 ping2 = favourable comment
detail  hou2 hon3 bat1 hek3 ngaan5 cin4 kwai1  hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1 = a smart man knows when to avoid immediate harm
detail  mou5 daam6 hou2 sik6   = difficulties abound
detail  mou5 hou2 gwo3 jau5   = better none than any
detail  hou2 laap6 hak1   = Horlicks
detail  hou2 loi4 wu2*1  hao3 lai2 wu4 = Hollywood
detail ,  m4 hou2 wai6 zo2 jat1 po1 syu6, ji4 fong3 hei3 seng4 go3 sam1 lam4   = don't focus on only one girl, hence give up other girls
detail  hou2 noeng4*1   = old-fashioned; uncool
detail ,,  jit6 cing4 hoeng1 gong2 hou2 haak3 zi1 dou6 dim2 siu2 dak1 nei5  re4 qing2 xiang1 gang3 hao3 ke4 zhi1 dao4 dian3 shao3 de2 ni3 = Friendly HK, You Make a Difference
detail MK  hou2 M1 K1   = very "Mong Kok"
detail Q  hou2 kiu1   = extremely; superbly
detail  jip6 gung1 hou3 lung4  ye4 gong1 hao4 long2 = a professed love of what one really fears
detail  hou2 he3 hou2 teoi4   = very frivolous/lazy (and) very dispirited
detail  hou2 ge3 m4 leng4 cau2 ge3 leng4   = ill news is too often true
detail  hou2 seoi1 m4 seoi1   = unfortunately
detail  gin3 hou2 zau6 sau1  jian4 hao3 jiu4 shou1 = quit while ahead
detail  gwan1 zi2 bat1 dyut6 jan4 so2 hou3  jun1 zi3 bu4 duo2 ren2 suo3 hao4 = a man of noble character doesn't seize things which another treasures
detail  hou2 zai2 m4 dong1 caai1   = a good kid doesn't join the police
detail  hou2 sam1 zoek6 leoi4 pek3   = to recompense good with evil
detail  hou2 sai3 gaai3  hao3 shi4 jie4 = good fortune
detail  hou2 mat6 cam4 gwai1 dai2  hao3 wu4 chen2 gui1 di3 = the best fish swim near the bottom
detail  hou2 waa6 laak3   = damn right I am; you can say that again
detail  gong2 dak1 hou2 teng1 di1   = to put it mildly
detail  hou3 gou1 mou6 jyun5  hao4 gao1 wu4 yuan3 = aim too high; over-ambitious

Showing 10 of 265 examples containing 好
detail audio 中文老師好好
My Chinese teacher is a very nice person.
detail audio 餐廳好好
The food at that restaurant is excellent!
detail audio 呢隻白酒好正!?
This brand of white wine is really good!
detail audio 大學有名!?
This university is very famous!
detail audio 哥哥好好
My (elder) brother treats me very well.
detail audio 你好嗎
How are you?
detail audio 頭髮
Your hair is so smooth!
detail audio 真係
He is really fast.
detail audio 開心.
Nice to meet you.
[(lit.) Very happy to have met you.]
detail audio 最近幾好
How have you been lately?
Show all 265 examples

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2025.