If you find this site useful and would like to support it, you
can do so simply by clicking the button below and donating whatever you
To donate:
- Click the "Donate" button below
- Login to PayPal and choose an amount to donate
- Write your forum username for this site in the notes section when donating, so I know which account to upgrade
- Wait approx 48 hours for me to upgrade your account (this is unfortunately a manual process)
To donate you can either use your PayPal account or a credit card (using
secure authorisation). Basically, if you have ever bought anything
from eBay you should be able to easily donate any amount within about a
minute of clicking the button above.
Donations can be for as little as £1 (UK
pound). £1 is approx $1.65 US at the time of writing.
If you have any problems with the PayPal system please e-mail me.
Donate to the site and get a Premium Site Subscription for one year!
Subscribers to the site can currently read the forums and view CantoDict in glorious
advert-free tranquility. They also get expanded CantoDict views and can
have their Chinese tested by a tailor-made quiz whilst reading the forums,
that learns with them and retests accordingly.
As a fund-raising experiment, I'm giving out 1
year subscriptions to whoever donates using the link above. UPDATE:
this (unique) system has now been in place for years, please see below to
see if it it is working well.
You can choose to pay whatever you think this service is worth! *
Just to clarify, this site is not going to become a "paid
subscribers only" site. It will always be free. The
subscription scheme is purely to remove the adverts and get some added
CantoDict benefits.
* OK, you
can't choose to pay nothing - but the minimum payment works out at less
than $0.01 per day!
Summary of the different levels of membership to this website:
Tourist |
Free Member |
Premium Member |
Read forums |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Post to forums |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Read 'Den of Iniquity' forum |
yes |
yes |
Edit your forum posts |
yes |
yes |
Alternative forum view (threaded) |
yes |
yes |
Custom CantoDict settings |
yes |
yes |
Ability to add words to a personal Vocab List, which may be
used in quizzes etc |
yes |
yes |
Become a "trusted" forum member with reduced anti-spam restrictions |
yes |
Custom Quiz while reading the forums |
yes |
Remove adverts from forums |
yes |
Remove adverts from CantoDict |
yes |
Expanded CantoDict views |
yes |
Expanded CantoDict Parser (character limit increased from 250
to 5000) |
yes |
Expanded Vocab List functionality |
yes |
Output High Resolution images of each Chinese character entry |
yes |
Priority over other users when using scripts such as the Parser |
yes |
Exclusive access to download Study Chinese - PDA. This is a
Chinese Flashcards program kindly donated to members by the
more info and download link |
yes |
Cheesy "I'm a Premium Subscriber" logo next to your name
to guilt non-subscribers out in the forums  |
no! |
Cost : |
free |
free |
Your Choice! |
A Free Member is someone who has
registered on the forums.
A Premium Member is someone who has donated via PayPal.
Everyone else is a Tourist. |
Why are you asking for money? The web should be free!
The situation is that this site was started as a hobby, but has grown
beyond all expectations. It is still a labour of love, but its
popularity means I need to manage the site finances responsibly in order
to safeguard its future. Each month approximately two million pages are
viewed, which costs money. If I don't work to make the site pay for
itself, then a time may come in the future when I can't justify running
it at a loss.
Out of the tens of thousands of different people who visit each month, less than
one considers the site is worth supporting financially (the period of
June 2005 to February 2006 averaged less than one donation per month). I
genuinely don't understand this. The link above allows anyone with a
credit card or PayPal account to safely donate whatever they wish, even if
it is just a couple of dollars. And it's not even a donation - you become a
premium subscriber with associated benefits. Running costs aside, there is
also the consideration of the countless hours spent programming and
maintaining the site. Do you tip hairdressers or waiters? What about
street musicians? Well thanks to PayPal you can now tip a webmaster!  Having
said all that, I do personally believe that the web *should* be free. For
that reason I will not ever make the site "subscription only". If
after reading this far, you decide you don't want to become a premium
subscriber, I would genuinely like to know your reasons. There is a poll
and forum thread for this very purpose here.
You would be doing me a favour by helping me understand why the scheme
hasn't been successful. UPDATE
Since the above was written, memberships have
gone up, and I'm pleased to say that the site now gets approximately three
new members or renewals per month. Many thanks to everyone that has
donated! Do people really just donate a pound? I
wouldn't want to offend you by paying too low a sum.
(this is a genuine question I've been asked)
Yes, some people have donated a pound, and some have donated more. Either way, it is extremely appreciated. Like I say, currently less than 1 in
5,000 (could be as high as 30,000) people make such a gesture.
A few people have suggested that I specify a sum but I honestly think the
current way is the fairest. £10 per year may be pocket change to
someone in one country, but be far more in real terms in another. By
allowing people to pay what they like then everybody is equally free to be
able to support the site.
I live in the UK by the way, so to give you some idea of the currency, a
pint of beer would cost me nearly £3, a cinema ticket £7 and a restaurant
dinner maybe £20.
What about adverts?
Affiliate schemes and adverts have raised more than donations, but not by a large
amount. Affiliate payments and donations together have probably amounted to
just over 50% of my costs over five years - so it is lucky that this site isn't
part of a business plan to get rich .
By the way, if you hate the adverts and resent the idea of paying to
remove them, take solace that they could be a lot worse. I've turned
down several (extremely lucrative) offers from large advertising
agencies to pollute the site with intrusive popups, morally dubious
gambling adverts (children visit this site after all) and the usual
purveyors of adult pharmaceuticals.
If I donate, will anybody on the site ever know about it?
You are free to post about it, but please note that It is not my
policy to identify people who donate as I don't think it would be in
keeping with our friendly community forums if I announced who had
contributed. In other words, any donations are anonymous as far as
I am concerned.
If you haven't already read it, please look at the Help
This Site page for other ways of helping.
Thanks for taking the time to read this page!