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This dictionary is a collaborative project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of volunteers from around the world.
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Found 4 word entries for "目的"
Link to this search: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/search/?searchtype=1&text=%E7%9B%AE%E7%9A%84
desc muk6 dik1 mu4 di4   target; objective; goal
desc muk6 dik1 dei6 mu4 di4 di4   destination (location)
desc caam1 haau2 syu1 muk6 dik1   bibliographic
desc daat6 dou3 muk6 dik1   to achieve the goal
Found 2 Chinese Examples for "目的"
desc 佢嘅真正目的 What's his real plan?
desc 打探商業情報先至係參加旅行團真正目的 Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of his joining the tour.

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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2025.