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This dictionary is a collaborative project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of volunteers from around the world.
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Found 4 character entries for "ocean"
Link to this search: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/search/?searchtype=4&text=ocean
 Character Jyutping pinyin Meaning
desc joeng4 yang2   ocean; foreign; Western; vast
desc hoi2 hai3   sea, ocean
desc bok6 baak3 paak3 bo2   ocean-going ship
desc jing4 ying2   sea, ocean
Found 24 word entries for "ocean"
  Word Jyutping Pinyin Meaning!
desc 大海 daai6 hoi2   ocean
desc 海洋 hoi2 joeng4 hai3 yang2   ocean
desc 九牛一毛 gau2 ngau4 jat1 mou4   a drop in the ocean (lit., "nine cows, one hair")
desc 南大洋 naam4 daai6 joeng4*2   Southern Ocean
desc 大西洋 daai6 sai1 joeng4 da4 xi1 yang2   Atlantic Ocean
desc 太平洋 taai3 ping4 joeng4 tai4 ping2 yang2   Pacific Ocean
desc 印度洋 jan3 dou6 joeng4 yin4 du4 yang2   Indian Ocean
desc 北極洋 bak1 gik6 joeng4   Arctic Ocean
desc 北冰洋 bak1 bing1 joeng4 bei3 bing1 yang2   Arctic Ocean
desc 大洋 daai6 joeng4; daai6 joeng4*2   ocean; silver dollar
desc 南太平洋 naam4 taai3 ping4 joeng4 nan2 tai4 ping2 yang2   South Pacific Ocean
desc 海洋公園 hoi2 joeng4 gung1 jyun4*2 hai3 yang2 gong1 yuan2   Ocean Park Hong Kong
desc 洋底 joeng4 dai2 yang2 di3   ocean floor
desc 海港 hoi2 gong2 hai3 gang3   ocean port; harbour
desc 海洋溫度 hoi2 joeng4 wan1 dou6 hai3 yang2 wen1 du4   ocean temperature
desc 水圈 seoi2 hyun1 shui3 quan1   the earth's ocean; the hydrosphere (geology)
desc 茫茫大海 mong4 mong4 daai6 hoi2 mang2 mang2 da4 hai3   the boundless sea or ocean
desc 郵輪 jau4 leon4   ocean liner, a cruise ship
desc 游輪 jau4 leon4   ocean liner, a cruise ship
desc 浩蕩 hou6 dong6 hao4 dang4   vast and mighty (of river or ocean); broad and powerful
desc 滄海一粟 cong1 hoi2 jat1 suk1 cang1 hai3 yi1 su4   a drop in the ocean
desc 海洋劇場 hoi2 joeng4 kek6 coeng4   Ocean Theatre
desc 海運大廈 hoi2 wan6 daai6 haa6   Ocean Terminal
desc 集古村 zaap6 gu2 cyun1   [n] Middle Kingdom (Ocean Park)

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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.