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  keoi5   jyutping
  qu2   pinyin
he; him; his; she; her; hers; it

Originally .
Stroke count: 7
Level: 1
Radical: (#9)

This character is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 56378 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 26th Nov 2013 22:10

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detail  keoi5 dei6  qu3 di4 = they; them
detail  keoi5 ge3   = his, her, hers, its
detail  keoi5 dei6 ge3   = their; theirs
detail  bei2 keoi5   = give him/her; let him/her
detail 𥄫  gap6 zyu6 keoi5   = watch after him
detail  keoi5 dei6 zi6 gei2/1  qu2 di4 zi4 ji3 = themselves
detail  juk1 keoi5  yu4 qu2 = beat him/her up!
detail  jau4 dak1 keoi5 laa1   = to leave well alone; let him alone
detail  coi2 keoi5 dou1 so4   = to not allow one's dignity to be compromised (a form of refusal along the lines of, "keep dreaming")
detail  caa5 zo2 keoi5   = crossing something off
detail  zeoi2 keoi5   = to kiss him/her
detail  aa3 to4*2 dou1 bei2 keoi5 gik1 zik6  a1 tuo2 dou1 bi4 qu2 ji1 zhi2 = to be infuriated (to the point that a humpback's back would straighten out)
detail  keoi5 dei6   = they; them
detail  din6 keoi5   = to electrify someone (through eye contact)
detail  noi6 keoi5 m4 ho4   = can do nothing with him
detail  fuk6 zo2 keoi5   = give him credit
detail  jaap6 keoi5 gwo3 lai4   = beckon him to come over

Showing all 263 examples containing 佢
detail audio 係咪本地人嚟㗎
Is he/she a local?
detail audio 唔識筷子
He/she doesn't know how to use chopsticks.
detail audio 真係
He is really fast.
detail audio 點解打電話畀佢第二日
Why don't you phone her and tell her to change it to another day?
detail audio 屋企
He went home.
[The final particle 嘞 here indicates a change of situation.]
His/her oranges are sweet.
detail 啱啱
He just left.
[Lit. He just now go already]
detail 可以見到  ? 
He can see me
detail 噉樣做為出嚟
This way is to find him out.
detail 而家拍拖
I'm not dating her any more.
[Lit. I with her now don't have dating, i.e. we split up. 而家我同佢冇拍拖 is also valid.]
detail 唔好
Don't chase him!
[Here, the guy is actually running away.]
detail 揸車幾個
I've been driving a few months.
[Lit. I drive-car drive-already few [counter] months.]
detail 晚晚行公司
She goes shopping every night.
[Lit. She evening-evening also walk-company]
detail 識講好多俗語
He knows lots of slang.
detail 佢嘅地埗
His address is hard to find.
[Lit. His address very hard find.]
He has a big nose.
[Lit. his nose very big.]
detail 需要畀錢
He must pay me money
[Lit. he must pay money me]
He's tanned.
[Lit. he shine arrive (very) black]
detail 啱啱倫敦過嚟
He's just come from London.
[Lit. he just-now from London over come.]
detail 係唔係中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Lit. He is-not-is Chinese? Std. Chinese: 他是不是中國人?]
detail 佢哋嘅分別只有半年
There's only half a year's difference between them.
[Lit. Their difference only have half year]
detail 暈咗
She had such a fright that she fainted.
[Compared with its English counterpart, a Cantonese sentence that uses a resultative particle (暈 in this case) is much simpler in structure. ]
detail audio 女朋友
Have you seen his girlfriend before?
detail audio 真係唔明白點解噉樣
I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
detail audio 唔記得
I can't recall his name.
detail audio 怕死
He/she is very cowardly.
detail audio 直程
He completely ignored me.
detail audio 牙擦
He is a very cheeky person.
detail audio 五顏六色
He is seriously ill.
detail audio 住喺隔籬
He lives next door
detail audio 隔籬
He sits next to me
detail audio !
He's gone out for sure!
detail 奉旨呃人
He definitely never lies!
detail audio 出名孤寒
He's known for being stingy.
detail audio 警察拉咗
He was arrested by the police.
detail audio 適合
He is fit for the job.
detail audio 啱晒
This job is fit for him.
Some of his oranges are sweet.
detail 佢哋遊客
They're tourists.
detail 電話醫生
She has phoned the doctor.
[咗 is a marker for perfective aspect. ]
detail 老闆
He is a nice boss.
detail 小明成日自己
Siu Ming is always praising herself.
detail 頭先伙記已經
Just now he said all the delivery boys had gone out.
detail 喺度釣魚但係終於垃圾
He's fishing... but, he wound up catching some rubbish!
[Lit. He currently fishing... but, he finally catch-arrive rubbish!]
detail 次次講大話真係大嚿衰
He tells lies to me every time... he's really obnoxious.
[大嚿衰 is specifically referencing a 大隻老.]
detail 次次講大話真係衰人
She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
detail 次次講大話畀我聽到
He's always telling lies which I hear.
[Lit. He time time also tells-lies, also give me listen]
detail 佢哋紙鷂
They're flying kites.
detail 呢隻草蜢覺得佢嘅聲音好好
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I feel his sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢鐘意佢嘅聲音
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I very like his sound [particle]. Note that 㗎 can be used interchangeably with 囉 here.]
detail 頭盔但係唔係好
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look too good on him.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however not-very stylish.]
detail 殺人狂嚟㗎
He's a homicidal maniac!
detail 挑戰
He's challenging me.
[Lit. He toward me challenge.]
detail 佢嘅真正目的
What's his real plan?
detail 根本阻住
I just wasn't able to stop him.
[Lit. I basically block-not-arrive him. The construction verb-m4-dou2 indicates an inability to complete the action. So, block-not-arrive is idiomatically "unable to block".]
detail 前日有人
The day before yesterday, someone stole his shirt.
[Lit. day-before-yesterday, have person steal he [counter] shirt.]
detail 佢哋終於喺返埋一齊
In the end they got back together again.
[終於 here implies that the event of them getting back together happened a while ago (maybe a year or two) and that you've only just found out.]
detail 佢哋卒之喺返埋一齊
In the end they got back together again.
[卒之, as with 終於, implies that the event of them getting back together happened a while ago (maybe a year or two) and that you've only just found out.]
detail 佢哋最後喺返埋一齊
They recently got back together.
[最後 implies something that happened recently - in this context, probably days or at most a month.]
detail 帳篷前面朋友
He's in front of a tent, waiting for his friend.
[Lit. He at [counter] camping-tent front-face waiting friend]
detail 天文學月球
In astronomy, it's called "月球" (i.e. the moon).
[上 here means "in the field of".]
detail 唔好白鴿佢哋非常之揦鮓
Don't touch the pigeons, they're very dirty.
[Lit. don't touch [plural counter] pigeons [particle], they extremely dirty Other synonyms for 揦鮓: 污糟 and 污糟邋遢 ]
detail 虛偽
She's super hypocritical.
detail 試吓程度邊度
You need to find out what his level is like.
[Lit. You need try-little he level at where. In this case, referencing a student's level of English. More explicitly, 你要試吓佢英文程度喺邊度.]
detail 曬太陽黑猛猛
He sunbathed so much he got a great tan.
[Lit. he shine-sun shine-arrive pitch black. 佢曬到黑猛猛 is okay too.]
detail 插入員工
He used a knife to stab the worker.
[lit. he use [counter] knife enter-in [counter] worker. Std. Chinese: 他用一把利刀刺入一位員工]
detail 我哋唔可以畀佢
We can't let him die yet.
[Lit. 住 here means "yet"; 畀 indicates the passive voice and does NOT mean give.]
detail 嚇嚫!/畀佢嚇嚫
[She] scared me! / I was scared by her too!
[Lit. scared-bad-thing me! / I also by her scared-bad-thing!]
detail 乜嘢都正一冇膽鬼
He's scared of everything, he's a real coward.
[Lit. He what also scared, exactly one [counter] coward. Alternatively (and more simply): 佢乜嘢都怕,真係個冇膽鬼]
detail 成日打韆鞦
She always wants to play on the swings.
detail 因為唔知底細所以暫時
Since we don't have much information, we're calling him "red ghost" for now.
[Lit. because not-know exact-details, therefore temporarily call him red ghost. ("Red Ghost" here is a codename for a criminal. If his name had already been mentioned we could have 因為唔知底細所以暫時噉叫佢.)]
detail 食水就要
If you want to have some fruit you need to pick it [from the tree].
[Lit. you want eat fruit then pick it [particle]]
detail 大大方方
You need to meet her confidently.
[Lit. you need confident-and-holding-yourself-properly-manner see her. 大大方方 means standing upright and looking someone in the eyes.]
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 方法打倒
I’ve got a way of taking him down.
[Lit. I have [counter] method overthrow him.]
detail 就嚟十五
He's almost 15 years old.
[Lit. he almost 15 year [particles]]
detail 人工
He can't pay the wages
detail 以前經理咸濕
There was a manager who sexually harassed him before.
[Lit. before have [counter] manager sexually-harrass him]
detail 我嘅
He slapped my face!
detail 散咗好耐
I split up with her a long time ago.
[[literal] I with her have-separated very long already]
detail 成日掛住去蒲返學
He'd rather go out partying than go to school.
[Lit. He always miss hang out, not want return school. Less idiomatically: He misses hanging out, he doesn't want to go to school. See http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,134171,page=1]
detail 今日嗰啲乜嘢都九唔搭八
Nothing he wrote today made sense.
[Lit. He today write those things, what also nonsensical]
detail 佢嘅態度敷衍
His attitude is apathetic.
detail 佢嘅服務態度冇得彈
Her attitude toward serving people couldn't be better.
[[國] 她的服務態度沒得挑 ]
detail 佢嘅
Her ass is damn huge!
[Lit. Her ass very [mild expletive] big http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,135805,135810#msg-135810]
Take off a sock and stick in his mouth. [To shut someone up.]
detail 今朝見工
He's attending a job interview this morning.
[[國] 他今天早上要去參加求職面試。]
detail 𦧲𦧲脷
He's slurring his speech.
[Lit. he speak manner tongue-tied. You can also replace 得 with 到 or 嘢 in the sentence.]
detail 覺得份人點呀?
What kind of person would you say she is?
detail 踩單車身邊飛過
She flew past me on her bike.
[飛過 is a metaphor matched by "flew past".]
detail 前日佢哋一齊食咗
They took their meal twice together the day before yesterday.
[Here, 餐 is [i]not[/i] a classifier that modifies the noun 飯. It is a verb measure that quantifies the verb 食.]
detail 唔係,今朝重未見到
No, I haven't seen him yet this morning.
[呃 [aak3] is a final particle used here to emphasize a denial of sth which is often detailed immediately after it.]
detail 郁啲撞火
His face flares red whenever he gets cross, which happens quite often.
[Cantonese language often prefers 'simple' repetition (撞火) to 'unnatural' conjunction (such as 每當) for the sense of "whenever".]
He refused to listen to me.
[An example of a Cantonese sentence using more verbs (3 verbs) than its English counterpart (2 verbs).]
detail 粒聲唔出
She went away without a word.
[In Cantonese, the adverb phrase (粒聲唔出) is placed before the verb (走). ]
detail 公司結果
He stole money from the company and has, consequently, lost his job.
[Compared with English version, a typical Cantonese sentence does not need article (the), pronoun (his), preposition (from), and conjunction (and). But it needs a classifier (份) not found in English version. ]
detail 每次見到都係講緊電話
He's speaking on the phone whenever I see him.
[English "whenever" = Cantonese "every time" (每次) + "is always" (都係)]
detail 跟住邊度
I asked him where to go next.
[Cantonese grammar has the adverb 邊度 (where) placed at the end of sentence.]
detail 多倫多十年
He has lived in Toronto for ten years.
[喇 means "by now" in the sentence, indicating sth in the present. Cutting off 喇, the sentence would mean "He lived in Toronto for ten years", indicating sth of the past.]
detail 乜嘢鍾意
She likes to eat any kind of fish.
[In this sentence, 乜嘢都 somehow becomes "any kind of". ]
detail audio 今日返工唔通病咗
He did not go to work today; could it be he's sick?
detail audio 存放呢處
He has left a number of books with me.
detail 喺度搞乜鬼
What the heck is he/she doing here (or right now)?
detail audio 見到即刻黑面
Once he saw me, he gave me a stern look.
detail audio 工作有條理
She is a methodical worker.
detail 估唔到
I'm not able to guess his height.
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail audio 表演之後O
I was also speechless (with surprise) after seeing him performed.
detail audio 但係
He/She is reading a book, but I can't see what it's called.
detail audio 點解女朋友靚仔!
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Because he's not handsome, of course!
detail audio 梗係女仔!
He's so ugly, of course he can't get a girl(friend)!
detail 唔聲唔聲
He took my pen without me knowing.
detail audio 游水!
He is by no means a poor swimmer!
[We have to repeat the verb 游 because the object 水 and the extent particle 得 are both there in the sentence.]
detail 雜誌
He collected and took away all the old magazines.
detail 病咗, 唔怪之得!
He is sick. No wonder he's failed to turn up!
detail 起勢噉
He finished the work with vigour.
detail audio 出去!
Get him out of here!
detail 呢啲
Give these to him as well!
detail , 何況
He can't afford a car, let alone a house.
detail audio 好多冤枉路, 先至搵到
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
detail audio 畀佢!
Don't be tricked by him!
detail audio 邊個眼高手低無論佢嘅目標崇高能力
It's such a pity that no matter how big his aims are, he hasn't the ability to see them through.
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail audio 佢嘅金叵羅
His youngest son is his most precious.
detail 唔單只,講話重開
Not only does he asks peculiar questions, he says things that causes embarassment.
detail 小心
The road was very slippery. He wasn't careful and slipped.
detail 雖然三十六板斧唔夠犀利
Although he put in all that he knew, he could not match up with you.
detail 三板斧一哥面前自吹自擂?
He is not capable but yet has the audacity to blow his trumpet before the master?
detail 利害三兩下手勢做低對手
His opponent was defeated in no time. He is really formidable.
detail 女朋友
His girlfriend's legs are so slender.
detail 做嘢做到天光
He works so slowly, he won't be even finished by [next] morning.
detail 斷估原來真係廿
I was only making wild guesses. Didn't know he actually was 23 years old.
detail 事關重大擔戴?
Is he able to bear the responsibility of such an important matter?
detail 竟然揦鮓招
I never expected him to use such dirty tricks!
detail 枕住健身肌肉都係鬆婄,只得老鼠仔
He has been working out for a long time, yet his muscles are still soft, with only half-developed biceps.
detail 唔好捵嚟捵去
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
detail 隔籬周不時打通麻雀令到同屋滋擾
Ah Lin's neighbours often play mahjong right through the night thereby disturbing her and her family.
detail 唔通將來攝灶罅
You disallow her despite her wanting to marry Ah Tong's son; don't tell me you want her to end up a spinster?
detail 做嘢快手之不過有時揦西
He is very fast in what he does, but occasionally he can be sloppy.
detail 家庭朋友不怕忍辱負重
He is unafraid to go through humiliation for the sake of family and friends.
detail audio 而家情況重有心情游山玩水?
He still has the mood to go for sightseeing at a time like this?
detail 近來一時一時鼓埋泡腮
She has been acting a little strange lately, one moment she is smiling sweetly, next moment she is grumpy
detail 𠵇𠺫
He is very particular about food.
detail 裝修材料
The materials that he wants for the renovation is very peculiar
detail 快啲電話牽腸掛肚
Give her a call. Don't make her worry.
detail audio 模稜兩可
He does not answer when asked; whenever he responds, they are vague.
detail 重未賠返
He still hasn't paid me back yet.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 聽暇點算
What shall we do if he does not show up?
detail 聽暇清楚
You should settle it with him if he comes later!
detail 佢地兩個可以拉埋天窗揸大葵扇
The two of them got married all because I matchmade them together.
detail 唔妥,!
Beat him up if we don't feel happy with him!
detail 老婆尾注
His wife took all his money and eloped with another man already.
detail audio 三萬買起易如反掌
Thirty thousand dollars to get someone to kill him, its easy.
detail audio 一個屈尾十
He just turned around and he walked away.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 一見鍾情
It was love at first sight when he saw Bou Waa.
detail audio 畀佢頭槌龍門
I passed the ball to him and he scored with a header
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail audio 今日咎由自取
He has only himself to blame for the plight he is in now.
detail audio 使出渾身解數
Forced him to pit all his skills
detail audio 掃把!
Drive him out with a broomstick!
detail 可以為咗沕水撞牆在所不惜
He would dive into the water and collide/crash at the wall for you, without regards for the consequences.
[in other words: "He would do anything for you."]
detail audio
I was left speechless by his sarcasm.
detail audio 真係吹脹
He rendered me speechless.
detail 做錯少少, 乞人憎!
He chews you out for every small mistake you make, it's no wonder he's so unpopular!
detail audio 就手留情佢哋
Show some mercy and let them go.
detail audio 成日喺度寫埋無聊費事
He writes so much nonsense that I don't even bother reading it.
detail audio 偷𥊙換衫
Secretly peeped at her while she was changing clothes.
detail audio 梗係唔及得
He is definitely not as clever as you.
detail 𥊙做乜嘢!
Take a peep to see what he's been doing!
detail 沊一聲跌咗落水
He fell into the water with a splash.
detail 靚女上車小巴麻甩仔打雀噉眼望住
The sleazy guys on the minibus were gawking at the pretty girl the moment she boards
detail 似乎過份咁多人面奚落
You have gone too far, to ridicule her in front of so many people.
detail 激將法毅力信心
We'll urge by ridiculing him until he regains the will power and confidence.
detail 或者呢個褻瀆神明應得報應
This probably is the punishment he gets for blaspheming against the deities.
detail 今年八十重係精神爽利
She is already eighty this year, yet she is still full of life and zest.
detail 唔好
Pull the string taut but do not yank till it snaps.
detail 寸嘴
He's known for his sharp tongue.
detail 剛才媽媽雌威從來未見
Mother was so angry just now that she was awesome; I have never seen her like this before.
detail 真係令人猝不及防
I was caught off-guard by this sudden move of his.
detail 當時以為自己命不久矣
Thinking that her end was near, she panicked.
detail 做事不留撳地游水唔會較飛
He has all along been very careful. He will not land you in trouble.
detail 果然豪傑
She is indeed a heroine!
detail 真係住得背而家先知移民
I am really not well informed. It is now that I learn he has migrated.
detail 而家梗係聯絡
He is definitely uncontactable now since he is on the run.
detail 真係著時適值屋企
Came at the right time, just when he is home.
detail 手袋過馬路
She was crossing the road while carrying a handbag.
detail 揸住國旗
He is swaying the flag that is in his hands.
detail 而家㗎喇
No one takes instructions from him anymore.
detail 已經出神入化境界
He has already attained the level of perfection through training.
detail (san3)
He even lamented to me about the matter
detail audio 住喺不知幾隔涉
He lives up on a mountain, really secluded, you can't even reach it by car.
detail 李連杰錫身,導演替身
Jet Li takes pretty good care of himself, his movie director even found a stand-in for him.
[(So that he doesn't have to do the stunts himself.)]
I gave him a punch.
detail 淨係鍾意紅色,冇得解
She only loves to wear red dresses, which can't be explained why.
detail 佢嘅穿著品味
(s)He has a good taste in clothes.
[Literally: His/Her (way of) wearing (clothes) really has taste [in other words: "is very tasteful"]. instead of "佢嘅穿著", you may also say "佢嘅衣著/佢著衫".]
detail 鬼知尋晚
Who (the hell) knows where he went last night. [as in "I don't know where he went last night"]
[邊 is short for 邊度]
detail 頭暈
He feels dizzy every time he takes a ferry.
detail 唔該快快脆脆()。
Please wash all the dishes quickly.
[In this sample, the speaker is more likely to speak in an impatient manner.]
detail 份人善忘
(S)He is very forgetful.
[Although 份人 may be omitted, it can emphasize the sentence is talking about "personality". ]
detail 唔好以為佢地只係學生  ?! 
Don't think they're just students!
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 佢哋?呃鬼食豆腐
They got married! You're kidding!
detail 剩係得個講字唔使
That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him.
detail 飲醉咗撩交打
He was drunk and spoiling for a fight.
Swallow it with a gulp.
detail 唔知邊度
We don't know where he has wandered off to.
detail 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖
I took the shirts that I bought two weeks ago at my favourite shop to be ironed.
[Note: although the verb and object could be separated by the lengthy adjective clause 兩個禮拜前喺我最鐘意嗰間衫舖買, it's more natural and more easily understood use the topicalised construction in this example.]
detail 佢哋開心紙鳶
They're happily flying kites.
detail 佢哋興奮紙鳶
They're excitedly flying kites.
[Note that 好開心噉 is considerably more common than 好興奮噉. (開心 is used in more situations in Cantonese than the translation "happy".)]
detail 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票
He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
[頭先 implies 10 or 20 minutes ago; contrast with 啱啱 which implies a few seconds ago.]
detail 頭盔但係一啲
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look good on him at all.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however a little bit also not stylish. 一啲都唔[adjective] is a useful construction to mean "not at all..."]
detail 表達可以隨心所欲
He wants to show that he can have his own way.
detail 我哋開始懷疑有可能我哋嗰個殺人狂
We're starting to suspect that he's probably the homicidal maniac we're looking for.
detail 相信已經開始懷疑內鬼原來
I believe he's already started to think that the mole was me all along.
detail 究竟喺度鬼主意
What's evil plan is he actually executing?
detail 唔好老鼠佢哋污糟邋遢
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
detail 不可一世份人真係大鼻
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
detail 佢哋乘機暴亂搶嘢  ?! 
They took advantage of the riots to steal things.
detail 我哋動機唔知道
We don't even know what his motive is.
[Lit. we even he what motive also not-know [particle].]
detail 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
detail 脾氣
He overturns tables whenever he gets angry.
[Lit. He send-out each-time anger then will reverse-tables.]
detail 琴晚跟住鹹濕女朋友
Last night he got really drunk and then lecherously fondled my girlfriend's breasts.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 琴晚閂窗發覺身體蚊𧕴
He didn't shut the window yesterday. When he woke up found that he had four mosquito bites.
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 大把擁躉
He's got a lot of fans
detail 之前監躉
He was in jail before.
[[This is not very polite.]]
detail 有時神經質
She gets hysterical sometimes.
[Lit. she will sometimes very hysterical]
detail 買嘢攋低
He has left his umbrella behind while shopping.
detail 脾氣惡頂
His bad temper is quite hard to take.
detail 唔知點算賬
I don't know why he has a bone to pick with you.
[[literal] Don't know why he has to with you settle accounts. ]
detail 滾水焫嚫
The hot water scalded his hand.
[Lit. his [counter] hand by boiling-water scald-[bad effect]]
detail 𠱂
He wouldn't listen to me. He even said something in retort.
detail 學校唔知邊度
The school is so big. I wonder which way I should actually go to find him.
[唔知 ("don't know") and 至啱 ("most correct") function as a split phrase. The slot between them can be filled by any verb phrase of interrogative nature. ]
detail 點都要辦法呢度
You must bring him here by fair means or foul.
detail 經濟都會瞓着
Listening to him talk about economics would put anyone to sleep.
detail 一句話起嚟
His remark set everyone in the house roaring with laughter.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'starting to ...'.]
detail 簡直
He had changed so much that I no longer recognized him.
[The two verbs 變 and 認 are each affixed with a verb particle 到 and 唔出 respectively. 到 is a degree particle while 唔出 is a potential particle.]
detail 笑起上嚟殺死
She has a killer smile.
detail 波鞋商場
He shuffled around the mall with the backs of his sneakers trodden down.
detail 等到返嚟嗰陣已經三日
By the time you return, he will have already been gone for three days.
[咗 (have been) is a perfective marker in a future tense sentence here.]
detail 好識襯衫
He/She knows how to match clothes.
detail 高踭鞋拗柴
Every time she wears high-heels she twists her ankle.
[[粵] V-嚫 ... 都... Pattern the means every time someone does something, such and such will happen.]
detail 佢哋開緊會決定員工命運
They are holding a meeting which would soon decide the fate of thousands of employees.
[The second part of this sentence is a relative clause. The Cantonese clause differs from the English one by omitting the relative pronoun "which". ]
detail 打探商業情報先至係參加旅行團真正目的
Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of his joining the tour.
[先至係 (to be really) is always used for emphasis.]
detail 經常遲到搞到老闆高興
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
detail audio 噏得就噏, 周時畀人抽後腳
He talks so much that people often use his own words to contradict him.
detail 睇書乜滯
He seldom if ever reads.
detail 老婆大人出聲
How would he be so daring as to utter a word, under the staring eyes of his wife.
detail 份人零舍柯箇
He behaves in a particularly affected way.
detail 成晚喺度喺度考慮好唔好請假
Ah Hung spent the whole night tossing and turning on his bed, clenching his fist like pig's trotters; he is still considering if he should apply for leave from work.
detail audio 雖然老公出便嫖賭飲吹至少賺錢返嚟養家冇眼屎乾淨盲
Despite all the vices outside, your husband brings home money to support the family, you should just pretend you don't know and choose to be happy.
detail 哈薩克斯坦唔係美國人
Borat is from Kazakhstan; he is not an American.
detail 識做?
Can he really do this piece of job?
[In this example 做 and 咩 are separate. Cf. the shorter more ambiguous "佢識做咩?", which can be interpreted as 1. "What can he do?" (when 做咩 is treated together), or 2. "Can he do it?" (when treated separately).]
detail 心口
They gave him two punches right on the chest.
detail 藥水𢳆先至好飲
There is sediment in the medicine, shake evenly before drinking it.
detail 呢個罄竹難書蓮子
This man was responsible for many countless wrong doings. We let him off easy by putting a bullet in him.
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.
detail 我等舖頭打墩傾吓偈消磨時間
I'm going to his store and spend a long time there in a moment, to chat, and to kill time.
detail 糖尿病所以每日胰島素
Her dog has diabetes, so it needs insulin shots each day.
detail 頭先
He has just been looking for you.
[The final particle 嚟 indicates the completion of an action.]
detail 直覺話我知
I have a gut feeling that he stole the money.
[The two nouns "feeling" and "money" could be placed ahead of the two pronouns "I" and "he" respectively in the Cantonese version.]
detail …差唔多咁滯
He has almost lost all his money.
[差唔多 and 咁滯 are two apparently redundant adverbs that share the meaning of "almost". However, when used together, they function as two split constituents that form part of a discontinuous construction.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2025.