hou2 siu3 hao3 xiao4 = be funny
hou2 aa3 = OK, fine 粵
nei5 hou2 ni3 hao3 = hello; hi; how are you; greetings
hou2 do1 hao3 duo1 = a lot; much; many 粵
hou2 hou2 hao3 hao3; hao3 hao1 = very good; very well
mei5 hou2 mei3 hao3 = OK; fine; beautiful
do1 hou2 duo1 hao3 = very good
hou2 jan4 hao3 ren2 = good person
nei5 hou2 maa3 ni3 hao3 ma5 = How are you?
hou2 jat6*2 hao3 ri4 = auspicious day; wedding day; good days 粵
hou2 m4 hou2 = is it good or not ; is it all right 粵
hou2 maa3 hao3 ma5 = is it good or not ; is it all right
hou2 siu2 = seldom; rarely 粵
hou2 jau5 hao3 you3 = a sidekick; a good friend
hou2 hek3 hao3 chi1 = delicious; tasty 國
hou2 sik6 = delicious; tasty 粵
hou2 mei6 = delicious; good to eat
hou2 haai4 zi2 hao3 hai2 zi5 = good child 國
hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 = long time no see 粵
oi3 hou3 ai4 hao4 = a hobby; to be fond of
hou2 ci5 hao3 si4 = be like; be very similar 粵
maan5 soeng6 hou2 = 'good evening' (greeting)
m4 hou2 = [1] no good [2] don't 粵
hou2 je5 = [1] good thing [2] (expression of delight) 粵
hou2 coi2 = luckily; fortunately; good fortune 粵
zeoi3 hou2 zui4 hao3 = best
hou2 zoi6 hao3 zai4 = luckily; fortunately
zou6 hou2 = to finish; to complete
hou2 gui6 = very tired, exhausted 粵
man6 hou2 wen4 hao3 = to extend greetings; to ask after someone; to send one's regards
hou2 gei2 hao3 ji3 = several, quite a few
hou2 sam1 hao3 xin1 = please...
hou2 gam2 hao3 gan3 = good opinion, favorable impression
hou2 pang4 jau5 hao3 peng2 you5 = a good friend
hou2 teng1 hao3 ting1 = pleasant to hear
hou2 zyun2 hao3 zhuan3 = make a turn for the better, improve
hou2 wan6 hao3 yun4 = good luck
giu3 hou2 jiao4 hao3 = applaud, cheer
dou1 hou2 = all good
gang3 hou2 geng4 hao3 = even better
hou3 hok6 = curiousness
hou2 si6 = good deed; good turn
hou2 tin1 = fine day, lovely weather 粵
hou2 zoeng6 hao3 xiang4 = [v] as if; seem like 國
hou2 gwo3 hao3 guo4 = to have an easy time; to feel well; life is easy
hou2 tai2 hao3 di4 = good-looking 粵
hou2 zoeng6 hao3 xiang4 = be like; seem like 國
hou2 dei6 dei6 hao3 de5 de5 = in perfect condition 粵
hou2 hon3 hao3 kan4 = good-looking 國
nei5 hou2 nin3 hao3 = hello, greetings (formal) 國
hou2 dik1 hao3 de5 = Fine, OK (as an isolated utterance) 國
hou2 bat1 hou2 hao3 bu5 hao3 (PRC), hao3 bu4 hao3 (Taiwan) = is it OK ; is it all right 國
hou2 gau2 bat1 gin3 hao3 jiu3 bu4*2 jian4 = long time no see 國
hou2 gwai3 = very expensive 粵
san1 nin4 hou2 xin1 nian2 hao3 = "Happy New Year!" (common formation)
hou2 mou5*2 = is it good or not ; is it all right 粵
hou2 dai2 = very cheap; very low-priced 粵
hou2 ho2 nang4 = probably 粵
hou2 coi2 sou3 = good luck 粵
hou2 noi6 m4 gin3 = long time no see 粵
m4 hou2 cou4 = shut up 粵
hou2 zyu2 ji3 hao3 zhu3 yi4 = a good idea (common formation)
daai6 gaa1 hou2 da4 jia1 hao3 = hello everyone
gaau3 hou2 jiao4 hao3 = comparatively good; better
zung6 hou2 zhong4 hao3 = it would be even better [also 重好] 粵
cin1 kei4 m4 hou2 = don't ever 粵
hang6 hou2 xing4 hao3 = luckily 國
m4 hou2 ji3 si1/3 m2 hao3 yi4 si5 = excuse me; sorry 粵
bat1 hou2 ji3 si1/3 bu4 hao3 yi4 si5 = excuse me; sorry, to feel embarrassed 國
pik1 hou3 pi3 hao4 = special liking; favourite hobby
joek3 hou2 yue1 hao3 = to arrange or agree to
hou2 gui6 = variant of 好攰 粵
mou5 nei5 gam3 hou2 hei3 = to not bother with you anymore 粵
zaang1 hou2 jyun5 = extremely different 粵
m4 hai6 hou2 = not very 粵
jiu3 hou2 yao4 hao3 = to be on good terms
hou2 cyu3 hao3 chu5 = advantage
hou2 naan4 gong2 = hard to say; there's no telling 粵
jau5 hou2 you3 hao3 = friendly (relations)
zi2 hou2 zhi3 hao3 = to have to; to be forced to
zing3 hou2 zheng4 hao3 = just (in time, right, enough); just (happen to); by chance; just so happened
m4 hou2 juk1 = don't move 粵
zoi6 gaa1 cin1 jat6 hou2 ceot1 ngoi6 jat1 si4 naan4 zai4 jia1 qian1 ri4 hao3 chu1 wai4 yi4 shi2 nan2 = A thousand days at home pass smoothly, a day away is beset with problems
hap1 dou3 hou2 cyu3 qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 = just right
hap1 hou2 qia4 hao3 = as it turns out; by lucky coincidence
hou3 kei4 hao4 qi2 = curious, inquisitive
hou2 jung4 ji6 hao3 rong2 yi4 = with great difficulty (lit., "very easy")
hou2 se1 hao3 xie1 = a good deal of, quite a lot
loeng4 hou2 liang2 hao3 = good, favorable, well, fine
si3 hou3 shi4 hao4 = fondness, hobby, indulgence
bat1 hou2 bu4 hao3 = no good 國
hou3 haak3 = keep open doors; keep open house
hou2 koeng4; hou3 koeng4 = 好2: very strong; 好3: eager to do well in everything
hou3 wu3; hou2 ok3 hao4 wu4 = likes and dislikes; fierce
hou2 ji3 hao3 yi4 = favour; good intention; kindness
hou2 waa6 = fine words; word of praise
soeng1 cyu2 dak1 hou2 = relate
tou2 hou2 tao3 hao3 = blandish; fawn on; have one's work rewarded; please
gaau2 hou2 hao3 hao3 = do well; make a good job of
hou3 sai2 = be convenient to use; work well
hou2 waan4*2 hao3 wan2 = amusing; fun; interesting
hou2 do1 si4 = many times
hou2 do1 ci3 = many times
hou2 tau4 jap6 = be absorbed in
hou2 gaa1 fo2 = good god; good heavens; good gracious
m4 zou6 zung1, m4 zou6 bou2, m4 zou6 mui4 jan4*2 saam1 doi6 hou2 = do not be a middleman, guarantor or matchmaker then you will have a good future 粵
hou2 sam1 jau5 hou2 bou3 = your charity would be rewarded
hou2 siu2 siu2 = little better than 粵
hou2 dak1 do1 = much better; better by far
hou2 joeng6*2 = pretty face
hou2 gei1 wui4 = a good many times.
gei2 hou2 = okay; pretty good
hou2 sei2 = to die a natural death; longwinded, wordy
hou2 cau2 = very ugly, disgraceful
hou2 maai6 = outsell
hou2 hei3 zoi6 hau6 tau4 hao3 xi4 zai4 hou4 tou5 = it isn't over until fat lady sings (lit., "the good show comes later in time")
hou2 faan1 = heal; to become reconciled 粵
hou2 hou2 dik1 = ...well + (adv)
daa2 hou2 = found
hou2 soeng1 jyu5 = amiable 粵
hou2 tin1 hei3 = nice day, fair weather
hou2 hou2 dei6*2 = nothing wrong; nothing the matter
hou2 noi6 = a very long time 粵
waan4 syun3 hou2 = fairly good, could be worse
hou2 cou4 = very noisy
hou2 zeng3 = very delicious; really good; really nice; fabulous; fantastic 粵
ji1 hou2 = to have completely recovered from an illness; get cured
zing2 hou2 zheng3 hao3 = to repair (properly), put in good shape
gok3 jau5 gok3 hou2 = each has its own advantages or good points
fei1 hou2 = to have hair cut (to one's satisfaction)
fei1 hou2 faat3 = to have hair cut (to one's satisfaction)
hou2 zing1 san4 hao3 jing1 shen2 = full of vitality, in good spirits
gaa2 hou2 sam1 jia3 hao3 xin1 = hypocrisy
hou2 faai3 gam2 gong2 = to speak quickly 粵
hou2 maan6 gam2 duk6 = to study slowly 粵
hou2 ci5 syut3 gam3 dung3 = as cold as snow 粵
m4 hou2 haak3 hei3 aa3 = "make yourself at home" 粵
jan4 jyun4 hou2 hou2 = popular (referring to people)
sau1 zing2 hou2 = to repair (properly)
dou1 hou2 laa1 = "it will be fine"
bat1 waai4 hou2 ji3 bu4 huai2 hao3 yi4 = harbor evil designs; harbor malicious intentions 國
bat1 hou2 je5 bu4 hao3 re3 = not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense 國
bat1 zi1 hou2 daai2 bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3 = not know what's good for one 國
bou2 cyun4 loeng4 hou2 dik1 bao3 cun2 liang2 hao3 de5 = well-preserved 國
sam1 ngaan5 hou2 xin1 yan3 hao3 = well-intentioned; good-natured; kind-hearted
oi3 hou3 ze2 ai4 hao3 zhe3 = amateur; enthusiast; fan; lover (of art, sports, etc)
zou2 soeng6 hou2 zao3 shang5 hao3 = good morning
waan4 ging2 jau5 hou2 huan2 jing4 you3 hao3 = environment-friendly
on1 hou2 an1 hao3 = safe and sound; well
gwaa3 hou2 gua4 hao3 = to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)
jau5 hou3 kei4 sam1 you3 hao4 qi2 xin1 = curious
han2 hou2 hen3 hao3 = well
jyun4 hou2 wan2 hao3 = intact; in good condition
hou2 syut3 hao3 shuo1 = (idiom) OK, term used to indicate agreement; (idiom) "you flatter me", polite response to praise
hou2 wun6 ji4 hao3 wanr2 = (adj) interesting; delightful 國
hou2 bei2 hao3 bi3 = be just like; can be compared to
hou2 joeng6*2 dik1 hao3 yang4 de5 = (idiom) a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity or courage 國
hou3 zin3 hao3 zhan4 = warlike
hou2 gei2 nin4 hao3 ji3 nian2 = several years
hou2 hou2 ji4 hao3 haor1 = properly; thoroughly; well (also 好好兒地) 國
hou3 kei4 sam1 hao4 qi2 xin1 = curiosity
hou2 waai6 hao3 huai4 = [n] good and bad; advantageous and disadvantageous
hou2 bun3 tin1 hao3 ban4 tian1 = most of the day 國
hou2 gau2 hao3 jiu3 = quite a while; [粵] 好耐
taai3 hou2 liu5 tai4 hao3 le5 = very good
co5 hou2 zuo4 hao3 = to sit properly; to sit up straight
wo4 hou2 he2 hao3 = to become reconciled
hou3 sik1 hao3 se4 = lewd, lustful, horny, to lust for women
maai5 hou2 mai3 hao3 = to ingratiate oneself
waan4 hou2 hai2 hao3 = [adv] not bad
ngaam1 ngaam1 hou2 = just right 粵
gong1 hou2 gang1 hao3 = just, exactly, happen to be
hou2 siu1 sik1 = good news
taam1 bui1 hou3 zau2 = to be or become an alcoholic
taam1 hou2 teng1 = [v] to talk plausibly; render mere lip service
hou3 dau3 hao4 dou4 = be warlike
jau5 hou2 fong2 man6 you3 hao3 fang3 wen4 = a friendly visit
jyut6 zou2 jyut6 hou2 = [exp] the earlier the better
bat1 dak1 hou2 sei2 = die in one's shoes 國
syun3 hou2 suan4 hao3 = [v] to calculate; [adj] calculating
jip6 jyu4 oi3 hou3 ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 = hobby (common formation)
jip6 jyu4 oi3 hou3 ze2 ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 zhe3 = [n] amateur (person) (common formation)
hou2 jat1 go3 hao3 yi1 ge4 = what a
hou2 sau6 hao3 shou4 = feel better; feel more comfortable
hou3 daai6 hei2 gung1 hao4 da4 xi3 gong1 = crave for greatness and success; have a fondness for the grandiose
hou2 hou2 sin1 saang1 hao3 hao3 xian1 sheng5 = good joe
hou2 gaa1 fo2 hao3 jia1 huo3 = [interj.] good god; good lord; good heavens
hou2 sau2 hao3 shou3 = good hand; past master
hou2 jat6*2 zi2 hao3 ri4 zi5 = auspicious day; wedding day; good days
hou3 wai4 jan4 si1 hao4 wei2 ren2 shi1 = like to be a master to others
gin3 hou2 jian4 hao3 = (said of a patient) to get better; mend
hon3 hou2 kan4 hao3 = looking good; promising
maai6 hou2 mai4 hao3 = curry favour with; ingratiate oneself with; play up to
lau4 faan1 daam6 hei3 nyun5 haa5 tou5 hou2 gwo3 = to not bother with you anymore 粵
jaa5 hou2 ye3 hao3 = it may not be a bad idea; may as well; whether...or...; no matter whether
hok6 hou2 xue2 hao3 = learn from good examples; emulate good
jin4 gwai1 jyu1 hou2 yan2 gui1 yu2 hao3 = make it up with sb; become reconciled
hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 tong4 ci1 dau6*2 = when in good relation, (the two are like) beans stuck together by molasses 粵
m4 hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 seoi2 kau1 jau4 = when not in good relation, (the two are like) oil poured into water 粵
dim2 dou1 hou2 = anyway; no matter what 粵
hou2 sik6 hou2 zyu6 = have good food and a comfortable place to live 粵
baak3 nin4 hou2 hap6 = eternal harmony
baan6 hou2 jan4 = fake friendship (dress up as a good person, also 裝好人)
hou2 jan4 jau5 haan6 = not exactly a model citizen 粵
bat1 zi1 hou2 siu3 waan4 si6 hou2 nou6 = find sth both funny and annoying; unable to laugh or cry at sth
dim2 syun3 hou2 ne1 = What can I/we do? 粵
nau1 hou2 ding6 siu3 hou2 = don’t know what to do (to cry or to laugh) 粵
mou5 mat1 hou2 sei2 = have not died a natural death 粵
hou2 gaai3 siu6 hao2 jie4 shao4 = recommendation
goek3 tau4 hou2 = a person who is a walking good luck charm
mou5 gam3 hou2 hei3 = to quit being involved with sth (lit., "no so good air") 粵
hou2 waa6 m4 hou2 teng1 = to be frank (lit., "the right words aren't easy to listen to") 粵
m4 dou2 m4 zi1 si4 wan6 gou1, m4 piu4 m4 zi1 san1 tai2 hou2 = do not gamble then you don't know how lucky you are, do not go whorring then you don't know your heath is good 粵
hou2 dak1 = great, good looking, attractive
hou2 geng2 = having a good temper; good temper 粵
hou2 guk6 = feeling hot, stuffy, suffocated 粵
hou2 gwai2 = very, extremely 粵
hou2 gwai2 sei2 = very, extremely 粵
hou3 haan4 = used to indicate that sth is no problem, not to worry; never take things too seriously
hou2 jan4 si6*2 = well-meaning 粵
hou2 si5 = business is good
hou2 siu2 ho4*2 = not very often, infrequent
hou3 sik6 laan5 fei1 = lazy
jat6 tau4*2 m4 hou2 gong2 jan4, je6 maan5 m4 hou2 gong2 gwai2 = speak of the devil 粵
mou4 leon6 dim2 dou1 hou2 = no matter what
deoi3 min6 ceon1 gwong1 mou4 haan6 hou2 = the view on the opposite side is very beautiful (girls)
deoi3 min6 fung1 gwong1 mou4 haan6 hou2 = the view on the opposite side is very beautiful
ding2 hou2 ding3 hao3 = excellent, the best, the first ; Wellcome
hou2 sok3 = very hot or sexy (girl), [國] 辣妹 粵
hou2 sok3 = very hot or sexy (girl); [國] 辣妹 粵
hou2 gwo3 mou5 = better than nothing 粵
hou2 jam2 = good to drink; tasty 粵
jan4 mou4 cin1 jat6 hou2, faa1 mou4 baak3 jat6 hung4 = treasure what you have, since it cannot be good forever
hou2 seng1 hou2 hei3 = kind, gentle
hou2 gwat1 zi2 = small but looks good
hou3 sing3 hao4 sheng4 = seek to do others down; eager to win, aggressive
hou3 man6 hao3 wen4 = inquisitiveness
hou3 joeng5 hao4 yang3 = aerobic
gap1 gung1 hou3 ji6 ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4 = zealous for the common well; public-spirited; zealous for public interests
hou3 jat6 wu3 lou4 hao4 yi2 wu4 lao2 = love leisure and hate work; indolent
hou3 zing2 ji5 haa6 hao4 zheng3 yi3 xia2 = remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs
jau4 sau2 hou3 haan4 = have nothing to do or don't want to work, just wondering around
jau4 sau2 hou3 haan4 you2 shou3 hao4 xian2 = idle; have nothing to do or don't want to work, just wandering around
m4 zi1 hou2 nau1 ding6 hou2 siu3 = find sth both funny and annoying 粵
hou2 coeng3 hau2 hao3 chang4 kou3 = talk in high spirits 粵
lei6 hou2 = advantageous
jyu6 zou2 jyu6 hou2 = the earlier the better
hou3 hek3 laan5 zou6 hao4 chi1 lan3 zuo4 = lazy (sits around eating too much doing nothing)
hou2 sam1 gei1 = indefatigable; having patience; careful, attentive, wholly absorbed 粵
hou2 seng1 = careful, caution 粵
zyu6 hou2 di1 = Goods of Desire (G.O.D.) 粵
hou2 wong4 hou2 bou6 lik6 = describes sth that is cool and interesting (lit., "very pornographic, very violent") 粵
m4 hai6 gei2 hou2 = nothing much; not very special 粵
hou2 si6 do1 mo4 hao3 shi4 duo1 mo2 = there are many setbacks before success
hou2 hei3 = wordy, longwinded 粵
gaau2 bat1 hou2 gao3 bu hao3 = perhaps; maybe 國
ngaam1 hou2 = just now 粵
hou2 faan1 = heal; to become reconciled 粵
wo4 hou2 jyu4 co1 he2 hao3 ru2 chu1 = to get back together; become reconciled
faa1 hou2 jyut6 jyun4 hua1 hao3 yue4 yuan2 = blooming flowers and full moon, a metaphor for perfect conjugal bliss
hou2 MAN1 = very manly, macho 粵
hou2 lam1 = to like (someone) very much; very sweet; very romantic 粵
hou2 sok3 = very hot or sexy (girl); [國] 辣妹 粵
nei5 hou2 je5 = an expression of mockery and warning 粵
cung4 sau1 gau6 hou2 chong2 xiu1 jiu4 hao3 = to get back together
hou2 jan4 hou2 ze2 = in normal condition 粵
m4 hou2 co3 gwo3 = don't miss it! don't miss this chance! 粵
hou2 sik1 = to understand well 粵
hou2 lek1 = "cool" (i.e., characterized by great facility; highly skilled or clever) 粵
sau1 hou2 xiu1 hao3 = to repair (properly)
nin4 saam1 sap6 maan5 ze6 zou3 hou2 zou6 m4 zou6 = did not do what one should have done 粵
ngaap3/jaap3 hou2 gin6 saam1 = to tuck the shirt inside the trousers 粵
hou2 je1 = outlandish, hip; funky, standing out 粵
lok6 dei6 haam3 saam3 seng1 hou2 cau2 ming4 sang1 sing4 = one's life is fated and pre-destined 粵
zyut6 sai3 hou2 kiu4*2 jue2 shi4 hao3 qiao2 = a great idea; a superb plan 粵
hei2 hou3 xi3 hao4 = be fond of; like; be keen on
hou3 dung6 hao4 dong4 = hyperactive, restless, energetic
hou2 ging6 = superb; amazing; out standing; really good; 粵
hou2 jan4 jau5 hou2 bou3 hao3 ren2 you3 hao3 bao4 = one good turn deserves another
saang1 gau6 caa1 siu1 hou2 gwo3 saang1 nei5 sheng1 huo4 cha1 shao1 hao3 guo4 sheng1 ni3 = I wish I never gave birth to you; it would be better to have given birth to a cha siu than to give birth to you 粵
hou2 ging2 bat1 coeng4 hao3 jing3 bu4 chang2 = good times don't last long
hou2 maa5 bat1 hek3 wui4 tau4 cou2 = to never go back (relationship, jobs etc.)
hou2 ngap1 m4 ngap1 = didn't say something good (but say something bad) 粵
baa1 git3 jau5 cin4*2 jan4 hou2 gwo3 baai3 leng4 pou4 saat3 ba1 jie5 you3 qian2 ren2 hao3 guo4 bai4 ling2 pu2 sa4 = it is worthwhile to rub shoulders with the wealthy 粵
hou2 zaai1 hao3 zhai1 = very plain 粵
hou2 faan1 = heal; to become reconciled 粵
hou2 si6 gan6 hao3 shi4 jin4 = of a wedding to be near 粵
giu3 hou2 bat1 giu3 zo6 jiao4 hao3 bu4 jiao4 zuo4 = good on paper, but not a blockbuster
giu3 hou2 giu3 zo6 jiao4 hao3 jiao4 zuo4 = a blockbuster
hou3 sik1 zi1 tou4 hao4 se4 zhi1 tu2 = a pervert; a sex maniac
hou2 hon3 hao3 han4 = hero; strong and courageous person
ting2 hou2 ting3 hao3 = quite good 國
hou2 zi6 wai4 zi1 hao3 zi4 wei2 zhi1 = look out for oneself
zi3 hou2 zhi4 hao3 = best friends
hou2 paang5 hao3 bang4 = excellent!
hou2 ping4 hao3 ping2 = favourable comment
hou2 hon3 bat1 hek3 ngaan5 cin4 kwai1 hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1 = a smart man knows when to avoid immediate harm
mou5 daam6 hou2 sik6 = difficulties abound 粵
mou5 hou2 gwo3 jau5 = better none than any 粵
hou2 laap6 hak1 = Horlicks
hou2 loi4 wu2*1 hao3 lai2 wu4 = Hollywood 國
m4 hou2 wai6 zo2 jat1 po1 syu6, ji4 fong3 hei3 seng4 go3 sam1 lam4 = don't focus on only one girl, hence give up other girls 粵
hou2 noeng4*1 = old-fashioned; uncool 粵
jit6 cing4 hoeng1 gong2 hou2 haak3 zi1 dou6 dim2 siu2 dak1 nei5 re4 qing2 xiang1 gang3 hao3 ke4 zhi1 dao4 dian3 shao3 de2 ni3 = Friendly HK, You Make a Difference
hou2 M1 K1 = very "Mong Kok" 粵
hou2 kiu1 = extremely; superbly 粵
jip6 gung1 hou3 lung4 ye4 gong1 hao4 long2 = a professed love of what one really fears
hou2 he3 hou2 teoi4 = very frivolous/lazy (and) very dispirited 粵
hou2 ge3 m4 leng4 cau2 ge3 leng4 = ill news is too often true 粵
hou2 seoi1 m4 seoi1 = unfortunately 粵
gin3 hou2 zau6 sau1 jian4 hao3 jiu4 shou1 = quit while ahead
gwan1 zi2 bat1 dyut6 jan4 so2 hou3 jun1 zi3 bu4 duo2 ren2 suo3 hao4 = a man of noble character doesn't seize things which another treasures
hou2 zai2 m4 dong1 caai1 = a good kid doesn't join the police 粵
hou2 sam1 zoek6 leoi4 pek3 = to recompense good with evil 粵
hou2 sai3 gaai3 hao3 shi4 jie4 = good fortune 粵
hou2 mat6 cam4 gwai1 dai2 hao3 wu4 chen2 gui1 di3 = the best fish swim near the bottom
hou2 waa6 laak3 = damn right I am; you can say that again 粵
gong2 dak1 hou2 teng1 di1 = to put it mildly 粵
hou3 gou1 mou6 jyun5 hao4 gao1 wu4 yuan3 = aim too high; over-ambitious
嗰間餐廳啲嘢好好食㗎! 粵
The food at that restaurant is excellent!
呢隻白酒好正㗎!? 粵
This brand of white wine is really good!
我哥哥對我好好㗎 粵
My (elder) brother treats me very well.
How are you?
好開心識到你. 粵
Nice to meet you.
[(lit.) Very happy to have met you.]
你最近幾好嗎? 粵
How have you been lately?
我寫中文字好慢。 粵
I write Chinese characters very slowly.
我好肚餓。 粵
I am very hungry.
小明同小芳係好朋友。 粵
Siu Ming and Siu Fong are good friends.
尐橙好甜。 粵
The oranges are sweet.
佢尐橙好甜。 粵
His/her oranges are sweet.
有尐橙好甜。 粵
Some oranges are sweet.
阻住你溫書啊,真係唔好意思 粵
Sorry for interrupting your studies!
[Lit. block you revise [particle], really sorry.
Standard Chinese:打擾你溫習,真不好意思]
妹妹,你真係好叻啊! 粵
You're really smart, little sis!
[Lit. Younger sister, you really very clever!]
Seems like Mum's back home!
[Lit. mum seems return-already come [particles]]
咁早返好少有喎 粵
It's rare to see you back so early!
[Lit. so early return seldom have [particle]]
答案好簡單 粵
The answer's very simple.
唔好再喊啦 粵
Stop crying.
[Lit. don't continue cry.]
唔好追佢啦! 粵
Don't chase him!
[Here, the guy is actually running away.]
我覺得行公司好悶 粵
I think going shopping is boring.
[Lit. I feel walk-company very-boring.]
佢嘅地埗好難搵 粵
His address is hard to find.
[Lit. His address very hard find.]
佢個鼻好大 粵
He has a big nose.
[Lit. his nose very big.]
佢曬到好黑 粵
He's tanned.
[Lit. he shine arrive (very) black]
你千祈唔好插手 粵
You must not, by any means, interfere.
[Lit. you 1000-exhortations don't insert-hand [i.e. put it where it doesn't belong.]]
要好好珍惜你細佬 粵
You need to take care of your brother.
[Lit. you need cherish you brother.]
唔好擒咁高。 粵
Don't climb so high.
綠茶對你好有益㗎! 粵 ?!
Green tea is very good (healthy) for you!
[the audio actually mispronounced as 綿荼 (which either doesn't exist or really rare)]
我突然好癐,等我瞓一下。 粵
I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
你好記性。 粵
You have a good memory.
我每次考試都好緊張。 粵
I am nervous every time I take a test.
佢好怕死。 粵
He/she is very cowardly.
我行路行到雙腳好攰。 粵
I walked until my legs were tired.
[We have to repeat the verb 行 because the object 路 and the extent particle 到 are both there in the sentence.]
佢好牙擦 粵
He is a very cheeky person.
你唔好逼我出絕招! 粵
Don't force me to use my ultimate attack on you!
這把刀很好切 國
This knife is good at cutting.
我可以讀得好快. 粵
I can read (study) quickly.
[Illustrates use of V + 得 + modifier construct.]
我啲廣東話好到你唔信呀! 粵
My Cantonese is better than you think!
聖誕期間﹐電視有好多好戲睇! 粵
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
蠟燭光照得妳好靚呀! 粵
You look beautiful in the candlelight!
細路仔好興奮! 粵
The children are getting excited!
我突然好攰,等我瞓一下。 粵
I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
好夜㗎喇!! 粵
It's very late now!
[Here, 㗎喇 works as a simple reminder without 就 preceding it]
隔籬屋好嘈 粵
My next-door neighbour is noisy
好嘢噃! 粵
That's very good indeed!
廣東話好難學 粵
Cantonese is very difficult to learn.
玫瑰花好多簕。 粵
Roses are full of thorns.
食酸嘢好醒胃 粵
Sour food improves one's appetite.
學廣東話好好玩。 粵
Learning Cantonese is very interesting.
返學可以識到好多同學仔。 粵
Going to school can get to know a lot of classmates.
一蚊一隻雞好抵買。 粵
One dollar for a chicken is so worth buying it.
你煮碟餸好香喎! 粵
The dish cooked by you smells so good!
一個人喺屋企好悶。 粵
Staying at home alone is so boring.
點先可以學好廣東話呢? 粵
How actually can I learn Cantonese well?
[點先 is the abbreviated form of 點樣先至。 先至 means ‘really; actually’ here, often used with 呢 at the end of a sentence for emphasis.
See this thread for details: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,111468,111471#msg-1114]
蝸牛行得好慢。 粵
Snails crawl very slowly.
佢有尐橙好甜。 粵
Some of his oranges are sweet.
唔好買呢啲有防腐劑嘅食物! 粵
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
一盞好光嘅街燈﹐照住黑暗嘅角落。 粵
A really bright streetlight is illuminating a dark corner.
我見到呢度有一間唔係好大嘅警崗 粵
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box.
You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
如果唔夠小心嘅話,放煙花就好危險 粵
If [you're] not careful enough, setting off fireworks is dangerous.
嗰啲蟬嘅聲音, 我覺得好好聽㗎! 粵
I love the sound of those cicadas [nearby]!
[This is an example of topicalisation: the topic of the sentence, 嗰啲蟬嘅聲音, is placed at the front.]
蟬嘅聲音, 我覺得好好聽㗎! 粵
I love the sound cicadas [in general] make.
[Note that because we haven't specified any particular cicadas, we're talking about cicadas in general. (Use 呢啲 or 嗰啲 otherwise.)]
我覺得蟬嘅聲音好好聽㗎! 粵
I love the sound cicadas make!
[Lit. I feel cicada [possessive particle] sound very good-sound [particle]!]
我覺得呢啲蟬嘅聲音好好聽㗎! 粵
I love the sound these cicadas are making!
[Lit. I feel these cicadas [possessive particle] sound very good-listen [particle].]
呢隻草蜢,我覺得佢嘅聲音好好聽㗎! 粵
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I feel his sound very good-listen [particle].]
呢隻草蜢,我好鐘意佢嘅聲音㗎! 粵
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I very like his sound [particle].
Note that 㗎 can be used interchangeably with 囉 here.]
有好多頂頭盔畀你揀 粵
There are lots of helmets for you to choose.
[Lit. have many [counter] helmets give you choose.
Note: the counter is optional. 有好多頭盔畀你揀 is okay too.]
佢戴住一頂頭盔,但係唔係好型 粵
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look too good on him.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however not-very stylish.]
我琴日睇咗一套戲,有啲地方幾好睇 粵
I saw a film yesterday... some parts were okay.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have place (note: this is a figurative use of place) quite good watch.]
我琴日睇咗一套戲,有少少好睇 粵
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already film, have little-bit good-watch]
我琴日睇咗一套戲,有啲啲好睇 粵
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have little-little good-watch]
我琴日睇咗一套戲,有一啲好睇 粵
I saw a film yesterday... it was average.
[I yesterday see-already one film, have little-bit good watch.]
睇你嘅樣,真係好似好攰噉喎 粵
Seeing your face, you must be really tired.
[Lit. see your face, really seem very tired [particles]]
我對呢一點好有信心 粵
I‘m very confident about this.
[Lit. I towards this point very confident]
我對呢一點好有自信 粵
I have a lot of self-confidence about it.
[Lit. I toward this one point very self-confident.]
今次嘅案件真係好棘手 粵
The case I'm working on is very thorny.
[Lit. This time [possessive particle] case really very problematic.]
呢一首好聽過你嗰隻好多呀 粵
This song is much nicer to listen to than yours!
[Lit. This one [counter for songs] good-listen surpass yours [particle] lots]
你近排做嘅嘢,我哋好滿意 粵
We're satisfied with the work you've done recently.
[Lit. You recently do [particle] things, we [meaningless word] satisfied.
Here, 好 has no particular meaning, and just serves to introduce the adjective afterwards.]
我D字好難睇咩? 粵
Are my (Chinese) characters that hard to read?
[Lit. Me [plural counter] characters very hard read [particle]?
D=啲 and is commonly used in Hong Kong.]
噴泉前面有一隻好靚嘅黑色貓 粵
There's a beautiful cat in front of the fountain.
[Lit. fountain front-face have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] black-colour cat.]
噴泉側邊有一隻好靚嘅白色狗仔 粵
There's a beautiful white puppy beside the fountain.
[Lit. fountain side have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] white-colour dog-child]
唔好摸啲白鴿啦,佢哋非常之揦鮓 粵
Don't touch the pigeons, they're very dirty.
[Lit. don't touch [plural counter] pigeons [particle], they extremely dirty
Other synonyms for 揦鮓: 污糟 and 污糟邋遢 ]
你哋呢,係咪有好多男朋友㗎 粵
You must be popular with the boys!
[Lit. you [plural] [clause delimiter], is-or-is-it-not have many boyfriend [particle]]
香港先進過中國好多 粵
Hong Kong is much more advanced than China.
[Lit. Hong Kong advance surpass China a lot
(n.b. this is only intended to illustrate Cantonese comparatives and is not necessarily accurate!)]
我哋要環保,所以唔好嘥電同水 粵
We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
[You can interpolate a 咁多 with the added meaning of "so much" in between the verb and object.
我好憎湊細蚊仔 粵 ?!
I hate looking after brats.
[Lit. I very hate look-after little-mosquitoes.]
我會諗好多角度 粵 ?!
I'll think about [it] from many angles.
[Lit. I will think many angles.]
唔好嘈住我啦,唔知有幾多嘢做 粵 ?!
Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
[Lit. don't disturb me, don't know how-much work [to] do.]
你真係好嚴喎 粵
You're really very strict, huh?
你寫字寫得好整齊 粵
You have nice handwriting.
[Lit. you write characters write manner very tidy]
呢啲珍珠好韌㗎 粵
These bubbles are very chewy!
[Lit. this [plural counter] pearl very chewy [particle]
Note: 珍珠/bubbles refers to 珍珠奶茶, bubble milk tea. The "bubbles" are black spheres a few mm in diameter. ]
呢杯鮮奶有好多鈣質 粵
There's a lot of calcium in this glass of milk.
[Lit. this glass milk have many calcium]
我同佢散咗好耐喇 粵
I split up with her a long time ago.
[[literal] I with her have-separated very long already]
我覺得普通話嘅兒化好惡聽 粵
I think that erhua in Mandarin sounds horrible.
[Lit. I feel Putonghua [possessive particle] erhua very terrible-listen]
啲湯熱得滯!唔好飲住。 粵 ?!
The soup's too hot! Don't drink it yet.
[Lit. [plural counter] soup hot too-much. Don't eat [extensional-aspect particle] him.]
我平時做嘢好敷衍 粵
I'm normally pretty apathetic about my work.
[You can also say 我平時做嘢做得好敷衍.]
條褲好似長噉啲。 粵
The trousers look like somewhat too long.
[噉 means 'to some level/degree' in this sentence.]
佢嘅躉好揦大 粵
Her ass is damn huge!
[Lit. Her ass very [mild expletive] big
唔好駁嘴﹐咁冇禮貌。 粵
Don't answer back; it's not polite.
[parsing: 唔好 don't | 駁嘴 answer back | 咁 so | 冇 im- | 禮貌 polite ]
我近排好忙﹐冇時間照顧仔女。 粵
I'm too busy these days to have time to take care of my children.
[The English phrase "too busy to have time" becomes "too busy and have no time" in Cantonese.]
呢部機器好容易操作。 粵
It's easy to operate this machine.
[Whilst the English version needs a dummy subject "it", the Chinese version needs no subject with "this machine" functioning as a topic of the sentence.]
That day, everything was good!
你唔好咁惡屎能登啦! 粵
Don't be so mean!
[The sound recording and the written sentence don't match. The recorder mispronounces 惡 (ok3) as ok6, 屎 (si2) as sei2, and 啦 (laa1) as aa1.]
咪咁眼闊肚窄,重有好多餸;慢慢啲食! 粵
Don't be so greedy, there's still a lot of food; eat slower!
這個年頭不好。 國
The harvest was bad this year.
琴日都好地地嘅,今日就發燒囉。 粵
It was all fine yesterday; the fever just came up today.
哪裡,我的漢語不太好。 國
No, my Chinese isn't that good.
[Usage of 哪裡's definition [2], for example to reply to a compliment such as 「你的漢語很好。」]
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
你覺得自己好矜貴啊? 粵
You really think highly of yourself, don't you?
好食到七名都食埋 粵
So tasty that it is finger licking good.
唔好賴我 粵
It's nothing to do with me
佢走咗好多冤枉路, 先至搵到呢份工。 粵
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
今次嘅比賽我哋全軍覆沒,輸得好慘。 粵
During the competition, our team was completely annihilated by theirs.
波斯語好易學! 國
Farsi is very easy to learn!
阿媽同我女朋友傾到好投契 粵
My mom and girlfriend are having such a kindred conversation.
佢唔單只問得好溜,講話重開口夾著脷添 粵
Not only does he asks peculiar questions, he says things that causes embarassment.
條路好滑,佢唔小心躀咗一跤 粵
The road was very slippery. He wasn't careful and slipped.
地板好跣腳,因住躀低 粵
The floor is slippery. Be careful not to slip and fall.
基本上間屋布置好咗,剩番啲頭頭尾尾啫 粵
The house is basically well-decorated. What remains to be done are just some odds and ends.
表面上關係好好,但內裡其實係咪真嘅噉? 粵
The relationship is cordial on the surface, but is it really so (deep down inside)?
對新鞋好刮腳 粵
The pair of new shoes causes blisters
我哋幾個夾手夾腳,好快就做完份報告書 粵
We will be able to complete the report very soon with everyone's help and cooperation.
條路好婄! 粵
This road is really soft!
佢女朋友嘅腳好嫋 粵
His girlfriend's legs are so slender.
呢隻古仔好㜺鬼 粵
This story is really interesting.
啲字寫得好四正! 粵
These writings are very neat and tidy.
佢胃唔好痛到喺張床度捵嚟捵去 粵
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
蘋果𠸎埋橙都好平 粵
The apples and also the oranges are very inexpensive.
啲老樹好多根蔃 粵
These old trees have lots of roots.
佢做嘢好快手,之不過有時揦西啲 粵
He is very fast in what he does, but occasionally he can be sloppy.
你係先至講,唔好貪口爽喎 粵
Tell me only if it is true, don't say it for the mere fun of it.
唔好玩水,唔係就會𢱕濕衫喇。 粵
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
佢食得好𠵇𠺫 粵
He is very particular about food.
佢要啲裝修材料好溜咖 粵
The materials that he wants for the renovation is very peculiar
好彩得到你細心查核,搵到問題嘅所在 粵
Fortunately due to your careful checks, we are able to find where the problem lies.
國家政府一直監察著你,最好自己小心啲 粵
The government has been monitoring you all along - you had best be careful.
隻狗好似嗅到乜味道噉,開始大聲吠 粵
The dog seems to have sniffed and picked up some scent and started to bark.
我想學好講嘢先。當我講得好嘅時候,就會開始學寫。而家,我只係想留到最後先至學寫。 粵
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
噉嘅設計好定壞就見仁見智啦 粵
Whether such a design is good or bad, is a matter of opinion.
我以為有個攝影師做男朋友,佢一定會幫我影好多靚相,殊不知佢一張相都冇幫我影過。 粵
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
你食咗草龍咩咁好唱口 粵
You are happily singing non-stop. Are you on drugs?
呢啲手板眼見功夫你好快就會學識 粵
It will not take long before you learn how to do such simple jobs.
他搞不好是故意的 國
He may have done it intentionally.
他生性好奇, 甚麼事情都要研究一番。 國
He is born curious and likes to look into every single thing.
今次你好嘢,不過下次冇咁好彩嘅嘞! 粵
You got away this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!
掹拫條繩嚟但又唔好剒斷佢 粵
Pull the string taut but do not yank till it snaps.
女仔小心啲唔好輕信男人講嘢就OK嘞 粵
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
有啲人嘅審美觀念好差㗎 粵
Some people do have a very bad sense of aesthetics.
Not only are the young keen in sports, even the elderly are enthusiastic about physical training.
小小心意你咪受落啲禮物囉唔好抰嚟抰去 粵
It is a small token of appreciation, just accept the simple gift instead of pushing it back and forth.
人哋啱啱學廣東話,發音唔準,你就唔好嘥人啦。 粵
Her pronunciation is a bit off as she has started learning Cantonese not long ago. You shouldn't tease her.
It is good for our body's health to sleep and get up early.
我眼尾有好多條魚尾紋 粵
I have a lot of crow's feet(wrinkles) at the corner of my eyes.
佢嘅穿著好有品味。 粵
(s)He has a good taste in clothes.
[Literally: His/Her (way of) wearing (clothes) really has taste [in other words: "is very tasteful"].
instead of "佢嘅穿著", you may also say "佢嘅衣著/佢著衫".]
好快脆就有得食。 粵
Food will be ready soon.
[Lit.] very soon, (food will be done and) available to be eaten.
佢份人好善忘架。 粵
(S)He is very forgetful.
[Although 份人 may be omitted, it can emphasize the sentence is talking about "personality". ]
唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼,如果唔係會生眼挑針! 粵 ?!
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
如果阿明真係一個識飛嘅超人就好喇⋯⋯噉佢就唔會喺條街度踩咗啲米田共返嚟屋企,重要印到成條走廊嘅地板都係!抹死人咩⋯⋯ 粵
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
佢飲醉咗﹐好想撩交打。 粵
He was drunk and spoiling for a fight.
我幾個月前見到有一盞又好光又非常之高嘅街燈喺草地上面 粵
I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
[Lit. I several months before see-arrive have one [counter] and bright and very tall [possessive particle] streetlight located grass-floor on.]
如果你真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話,你就一定要聽多啲香港台 粵
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
佢哋好興奮噉放緊紙鳶 粵
They're excitedly flying kites.
[Note that 好開心噉 is considerably more common than 好興奮噉. (開心 is used in more situations in Cantonese than the translation "happy".)]
我琴日睇咗一套戲,但係一啲都唔好睇 粵
I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, however one little bit also not good-watch.]
唔使幾耐,你就可以睇到一出精彩嘅好戲 粵
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play.
時間嘅配合好難以置信 粵
The coincidentalness of the timing is too hard to believe.
唔好摸啲老鼠啦,佢哋污糟邋遢 粵
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
佢不可一世,佢份人真係好大鼻 粵
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
急就唔係好急,不過要快 粵
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do!
唔好意思,要你親自出馬 粵
Sorry to make you come and personally deal with this.
[Lit. sorry, need you personally come-out horse]
你要掉咗啲垃圾, 間辦公室好亂 粵
Can you bin the junk that's lying around? The office is a mess.
[Lit. you need throw-away [particle used in imperatives] [plural particle] rubbish, [counter] office very messy
Other words you could use instead of 好亂: 好亂龍, 亂晒, 亂晒龍, or 亂晒大龍]
我啱啱睇嗰套卡通好似好𠵇𠺫,唔知發生咩事 粵
The anime I was watching just now seemed strange, I'm not quite sure what was going on.
[Lit. I just-now see that [counter] anime seem very strange, not-know happen what-matter]
突然間食咁多芒果,我覺得佢好𠺫𠵇 粵
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
我仲有樣好重要嘅嘢要問清楚你 粵
I still have something important and in need of clarification to ask you.
真係令人好懷念,一個世紀之後你又返嚟啦 粵
We've really missed you while you've been gone the last 100 years.
[Lit. really make-people very miss-you, one century afterwards again return come [particle]
This is being said to someone who's lived several hundred years (specifically Greed from Full Metal Alchemist).]
琴晚佢飲到好醉,跟住鹹鹹濕濕噉搓我女朋友對波。 粵
Last night he got really drunk and then lecherously fondled my girlfriend's breasts.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
我隻腳有三粒蚊𧕴,好有可能係因為我前日去公園。 粵
There are three bites on my leg... it's probably because I was in the park the day before yesterday.
[Lit. I [counter] leg have three mosquito-bites, very probable is because I day-before-yesterday go park]
其實我好想同佢掟煲,但係因為次次同佢講呢件事佢都喊得好慘,所以到而家我都唔敢同佢講分手 粵
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
我嗌咗碟炒飯好耐,重未嚟呀! 粵
I've ordered a dish of fried rice a long time ago. But it still hasn't come yet!
聽日講嗰啲嘢你準備好未? 粵
Have you finished preparing the stuff you're talking about tomorrow?
[As this sentence consists of a long relative clause 聽日講嗰啲嘢, a topic-comment construction like the above is preferred to a subject-verb-object construction like 你準備好聽日講嗰啲嘢未. ]
She gets hysterical sometimes.
[Lit. she will sometimes very hysterical]
香港嘅財富分配好唔均勻。 粵
Hong Kong has a very unequal distribution of wealth.
[There is no verb in this Cantonese sentence.]
電飯煲唔好𠱂响書檯上便。 粵
Don't choose to put the rice cooker on the desk.
好處多到講唔晒。 粵
The advantages are too numerous to mention.
[Cantonese verbs and adjectives are often followed by various types of particle. Here, 到、唔 and 晒 are extent, potential and quantifying particles respectively. ]
好聲行,吓! 粵
Walk carefully, okay!
[吓 functions as a sentence tag used here as a simple reminder. ]
Yellow and purple match, does it look good?
He/She knows how to match clothes.
佢哋開緊會﹐好快就會決定數千員工嘅命運。 粵
They are holding a meeting which would soon decide the fate of thousands of employees.
[The second part of this sentence is a relative clause. The Cantonese clause differs from the English one by omitting the relative pronoun "which". ]
佢經常遲到﹐ 搞到老闆好唔高興。 粵
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
呢隻藥醫得翻好個病人。 粵
This medicine is able to cure the patient.
[The verb 醫 is followed by three particles: 得, 翻, 好. 得 is potential particle; 翻 is resumptive marker; 好 is resultative particle. ]
呢件事睇起嚟好困難﹐但係做落去好容易。 粵
This task seems quite difficult, but doing it is really easy.
[Aspect markers 起嚟 and 落去 function rather like antonyms, originally meaning "starting to" and "carrying on" respectively. ]
塊紙板唔受力﹐唔好加咁重。 粵
The cardboard doesn't carry much weight. Don't add too much.
沙地唔食力﹐唔好走咁快。 粵
Sandy road surface doesn't provide much friction. Don't run too fast.
自從新聞報道話椰子又好又盛, 呢一帶食肆都食住條水, 推出各種各樣同椰子有關嘅小食。 粵
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
亞雄成晚喺度捵床捵蓆,隻手紮到豬蹄噉,佢重喺度考慮好唔好請假 粵
Ah Hung spent the whole night tossing and turning on his bed, clenching his fist like pig's trotters; he is still considering if he should apply for leave from work.
我睇都係買屋比較揸拿,好過投資喺啲小生意上 粵
I am of the view that buying property has more assurance, better than investing in small businesses.
好得意咧! 粵
Very cute, isn’t it?
好在重有公民黨 粵
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
好彩重有公民黨 粵
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
幸好還有公民黨 國
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
真係好Q煩! 粵
Seriously, it's so xxx annoying!
唔好HEA亂個櫃桶! 粵
Don't make a mess of the drawer!
啲藥水會凝底,𢳆勻佢先至好飲 粵
There is sediment in the medicine, shake evenly before drinking it.
The sales volume of lipstick gives a clue as to how prosperous the economy is.
就算華佗在世都醫唔好啦 粵
There would not be a cure even if Hua Tuo is alive.
[Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms period.
The alternative is '華佗再世' meaning the rebirth of Waa4 To4
國 : This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.
粵 : This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.