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  gam3   jyutping
[1] [adv] so; to such a great degree (used to modify the following adjective) | [] 這麼, 那麼
[2] [adv suffix] -ly; in the manner of (used to modify the following verb) | []

Stroke count: 8
Level: 1
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 41318 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 30th Apr 2016 13:49

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detail  gam3 do1   = so much
detail  di1 gam3 do1   = a little bit
detail  dik1 gam3 do1   = a tiny bit
detail  gam3 gwai2   = so very
detail  gam3 ngaam1   = what a coincidence; by chance
detail  dik1 gam3 daai6*1   = so tiny; small
detail  waa6 gam3 faai3  hua4 gan1 kuai4 = In no time
detail  mou5 gam3  mao3 gan1 = not so
detail  dim2 zi2 gam3 gaan2 daan1   = It's not so simple
detail  gam3 ngaam1 ge3*2   = what a coincidence
See all 64 compounds (CantoDict reports 65 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 69 examples containing 咁
detail audio 做咩?
How come you are so slow?
detail 好少
It's rare to see you back so early!
[Lit. so early return seldom have [particle]]
detail 點呀
In that case, how do I feel?
[Use the corrected Jyutping! 咁 is almost meaningless when used to introduce a sentence, you could translate it as "in that case" here.]
detail 唔好
Don't climb so high.
detail audio 男朋友咁鬼樣衰!
Oh my god! Your boyfriend is so ugly!
detail audio 每年呢個時候總係忙碌
It is always so busy this time of the year.
detail 咁滯
The rice is almost done.
detail audio , 快啲?
How come you're so puny! Can't you walk slightly faster?
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 竟然精緻
I'd never have guessed you could make something so exquisite!
[Lit. you unexpectedly make so exquisite [possessive particle] thing.]
detail 唔係小氣
I'm not that petty!
[Context: I was saying that I wouldn't share my bananas with someone; then, to make the point that it was a joke, the above phrase was used.]
detail 頭髮平時撈攪點解今晚梳頭  ?! 
Your hair's normally so messy, why've you combed it this evening?
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 唔好駁嘴冇禮貌
Don't answer back; it's not polite.
[parsing: 唔好 don't | 駁嘴 answer back | 咁 so | 冇 im- | 禮貌 polite ]
detail 今日琴日
It is not so hot today as it was yesterday.
[Parsing: 今日 today | 冇 is not | 琴日 yesterday | 咁 so | 熱 hot. The Cantonese structure is much simpler than the English.]
detail audio 唔好惡屎能登
Don't be so mean!
[The sound recording and the written sentence don't match. The recorder mispronounces 惡 (ok3) as ok6, 屎 (si2) as sei2, and 啦 (laa1) as aa1.]
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail audio 眼闊肚窄重有好多慢慢
Don't be so greedy, there's still a lot of food; eat slower!
detail 今晚咁多梗係食唔晒
There's so much food tonight; of course I can't finish the lot.
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail audio 梗係女仔!
He's so ugly, of course he can't get a girl(friend)!
detail audio 上網不如聽朝
Still surfing the web at this time of the night? Why don't you (go to bed) and go online again in the morning?
detail audio 做乜鬼鼠?
Why are you being so sneaky?
detail audio 咁多陰質
you did so many bad things
detail audio , 何況而家
I won't go that far away; moreover, it's raining now.
detail audio 爬到上山, 猛咁嗍氣
I gasp for breath after climbing up the hilltop.
detail audio 工人咁滯
Nearly all the workers have come.
detail 唔好字眼!
Don't use such uncommon wording!
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 眼矋矋
Why are you looking at me with those staring eyes?
detail 成身𣲷/nap6/,
You are all sweaty and sticky after playing. Quickly go for your shower.
detail 做嘢做到天光
He works so slowly, he won't be even finished by [next] morning.
detail 枕住健身肌肉都係鬆婄,只得老鼠仔
He has been working out for a long time, yet his muscles are still soft, with only half-developed biceps.
detail 以前他條
This job is not as relaxed as the previous one.
detail 唔係皇上使唔使姿整?
You are not meeting the emperor, do you need to be so particular about what you wear?
detail 冇雷公咁遠
It is not worth buying goods from such a faraway place.
detail 𪙛𠸉 !
How is it you speak with such a stutter?
detail 𠍁因住𢱕落嚟
The cup is placed so close to the edge, be careful or it might just fall off.
detail audio 誠意勉為其難原諒你呢
Since you’re so sincere, I’ll reluctantly forgive you just this once!
detail audio 等我試下你嘅咖喱係咪耍家
Let me try and see if your curry is really that accomplished.
detail audio 錯蕩探班
What brings you here today to visit me at my office?
detail audio 食咗草龍好唱口
You are happily singing non-stop. Are you on drugs?
detail audio 收聲, 嘈到拆樓!
Shut up, you're making a lot of noise!
detail audio 魚蛋粉魚蛋牛丸牛丸雪糕薯片? 些粉
Fish ball noodles contain fish balls, beef ball noodles contain beef balls, what kind of noodles contain ice cream and potato chips? 7-Eleven.
[A joke in Cantonese that utilizes the pun between 粉 (noodles) and the Cantonese pronunciation of the second syllable of "seven". See entry for 些粉.]
detail audio 冇咁
This glass of wine is not so strong; suitable for you.
detail audio 真係棘手
You are competent to have solved such a sticky problem.
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail 今次你好嘢不過下次冇咁好彩
You got away this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!
detail 似乎過份咁多人面奚落
You have gone too far, to ridicule her in front of so many people.
detail 今年八十重係精神爽利
She is already eighty this year, yet she is still full of life and zest.
detail 鬼咁
This piece of meat is too tough. I just cannot bite on it.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 個人戽被
You are so old now yet you still kick your blanket when you sleep!
detail 乜得氣來氣喘
Why are you gasping?
detail audio 住喺不知幾隔涉
He lives up on a mountain, really secluded, you can't even reach it by car.
detail audio 酒店冇理由話唔定有鬼
There is no reason why the rates for this hotel is so low. Maybe there are ghosts in the rooms.
[Final particle 格 is the affective version of 㗎.]
detail 起嚟真係一疋布咁長
It's a long incident/story to talk about.
[the story is so long to talk about as if it's as long as a full roll of fabric.]
detail 屋企黑猛猛好似盲咗
The house is so dark it's like I'm blind.
detail 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
detail 𠱂落去
Don't rashly sit on the chair; it's so wet.
detail 學校唔知邊度
The school is so big. I wonder which way I should actually go to find him.
[唔知 ("don't know") and 至啱 ("most correct") function as a split phrase. The slot between them can be filled by any verb phrase of interrogative nature. ]
detail !
Your son is quite tall!
[When pronounced in tone 4, 喎 shows that the speaker is quite surprised. ]
detail 唔恨咁多
It's no use wishing so much.
detail 紙板受力唔好
The cardboard doesn't carry much weight. Don't add too much.
detail 食力唔好
Sandy road surface doesn't provide much friction. Don't run too fast.
detail 年卅晚家人喺度𨅝檯腳, 點知咁啱男朋友預訂情人節喺呢度燭光晚餐
I had my reunion dinner with my family here on Chinese New Year's Eve. Little did I know that my boyfriend made a reservation to have our candlelight dinner in this same place on Valentine's day.
detail 呢啲山路𪙛𠸉㗎喇千祈低波
You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.
detail …差唔多咁滯
He has almost lost all his money.
[差唔多 and 咁滯 are two apparently redundant adverbs that share the meaning of "almost". However, when used together, they function as two split constituents that form part of a discontinuous construction.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.